Chapter 2 - Problems and Secrets

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[??? PoV]

Hailey immediately got up from her seat when the bell rang. "Jake!" she shouted, running over to him, completely ignoring her stuff that was still laying on the desk. Jake, who was picking up his bag looked up. "Yeah?" he asked. "How about we walk to the club together?" she asked.

Jake took a quick glance at Drew who was nodding at him. "It's no problem, Jake. Go with her. But you'll eat lunch with us tomorrow," Drew said. Jake smiled and nodded towards Hailey. "Sure." She smiled back before returning to her desk to gather her stuff. When she was finished, they left the classroom together.

"So, what's up with you?" she asked as they walked down the hallway. "W-what's that supposed to mean?" Jake stuttered, aware of what she meant. "Cut the act, Jake! Everyone can see that you're not alright! You know that you can talk to me about anything! Just tell me what's wrong!" Hailey said, looking straight into the blonde male's eyes. He sighed.

"Well, I... had a fight with my brother! He got angry at me and didn't talk to me since then," Jake lied. Hailey raised her eyebrows. "Really? Was it that bad?" she asked with a worried voice. Jake laughed uncomfortably. "Y-yeah! It was!" Jake replied.

"Why did you even fight?" Hailey asked with a worried expression. Shoot, Jake thought. "Uh. He told me that he likes a girl from his class, and I made a joke to help him cheer up. He thought that I wouldn't take him seriously," Jake explained. Hailey thought for a second before replying: "How about you try to talk to him and explain it to him?" Jake scratched his neck while talking: "Don't you think that I already tried that? He just won't listen to me!" "Well, just try it again and again! He must listen to you sometime!"

[Jake PoV]

I sighed when we finally arrived at the music room. Didn't know I was so good at acting. Hailey opened the door and let us both inside the room.

Milly, Zander, and Luke were already there. Luke and Zander were discussing something, while Milly was playing on her guitar.

"Hey everyone!" Hailey greeted with a smile. Milly immediately stopped playing on her guitar. All of them looked at us and seemed to be relieved to see me with Hailey. "Jake! Glad to see that you're doing better! You looked so depressed this morning!" Milly shouted, leaning her guitar against a wall. I smiled in return. "Yeah. I had a fight with my little brother, and it got out of control. Sorry for ruining your mood this morning," I explained.

"Aww, no problem! I'm sorry for you! Was it really that bad?!" Milly asked immediately, giving me a tight hug. "Y-yeah. He didn't talk to me since," I lied. How am I so good at lying and acting?!

She looked at me with pity in her eyes. "It will get better, trust me!" I smiled at her words before continuing to talk with Zander and Luke.

A few minutes passed and Hailey slowly got impatient. "Where's Sean? He's never late!" she mourned. Zander looked at his boyfriend which shrugged his shoulders in response. "I haven't seen him since our meeting at the lockers this morning," Milly spoke. I thought. Is he with Daisy again?

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Sean ran in. "Speaking of the devil," Zander said. "Who are you calling devil?" Sean replied laughing while he tried to catch his breath. "What took you so long?" Milly asked while grabbing her guitar. "I got held up by my teacher. He wanted to talk about one of my latest projects," he replied, taking out his laptop.

"At least you're here now. We could never perform without you!" Milly laughed. Sean smiled when suddenly his eyes met mine. He was just about to say something when Zander interrupted him. "Let's not waste any time and get started with practice," he said. Zander, I really love you as a friend, but why now for god's sake?! The others nodded and got in position.

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