The Guest At The Jundee Residence

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Gorya went after him, pulling on his balled-up fist. When he faced her again, Gorya cupped his face in her hands. "Gorya, how did you tell us apart?" He asked her in a whispered voice, his eyes staring deeply into her own with such intense, Gorya lowered her eyes. Thyme tried to control his emotions. Gorya had met his would-be twin while she, Kaning, and Lita were just hanging out at a movie theater, for G-D's sakes! He couldn't be pissed off or upset about that. What got to him was how this guy was able to fool his girlfriend and her friends for a while. Friends who he understood were his friends as well. 

Gorya removed her hands from Thyme's cheeks only for him to grasp each of her wrists gently, his eyes were pleading with her. "He tore away the necklace from my neck, throwing it into a fountain." Gorya turned her head, letting out a couple of sneezes. Thyme studied her. "You fished it out of the fountain, didn't you? That's why you're sick." He replied lowering his hands and shrugging out of his navy suit jacket. She didn't want to tell him how she woke up in the guy's bed. Yes, she was still dressed in the same clothes as when she tried to retrieve the Shooting Star Necklace. But that's beside the point. "Okay, I still don't get how you knew it wasn't me." He told her.  Thyme took out his phone and messaged her parents and the TG2. His message was short and sweet. 'I've found Gorya. She's with me, safe.'

Gorya tilted her head. "He didn't say any idioms. I knew it wasn't you because of what he did with the necklace. That necklace helped you find your back to me, Thyme." Thyme couldn't deny the need to hold her. He gave a smile, pulling her into his arms securely. "Silly girl." He replied. "It's what the Necklace stands for."  He backed away, arm's length. Placing his arms on each of her shoulders, he smiled down at her. "True Love, Gorya." Gorya wrapped her arms around his waist. Thyme moved his head away, closing his eyes briefly. As it was, he couldn't resist Gorya. He sighed. Gorya was sweet and kind. From the moment she straddled him, declaring war, she had captivated his heart and all he wanted was for her to be safe right by his side.  "So he's not your brother, Thyme?" She inquired. Thyme let out a laugh. "Wouldn't there be an F5, Gorya? I'm the only son of the Paramannantra family."

Thyme wrapped his arm around one of Gorya's shoulders as he walked her home. When they were a block away he stiffened. He knew the neighborhood didn't improve but now he had a look-alike that could cause trouble for Gorya. "Gorya", He whispered. "If that guy contacts you, you'll tell me, right?" He wanted to take care of the bastard.  They stopped walking, and Gorya glanced at him. "I'm trying, Gorya. I know you believe this guy can't do real damage. But I can't stop thinking about-" He trailed off as he touched the injury on her head. "Sure you were hurt because of me in the past. But this is different. That guy purposely tried to make you think I led you on like I was rehoursing on how to get a woman or something." 

Gorya sighed. Maybe she shouldn't have told him that part. "Rehearsing." The look Thyme sent her had her worried. "Gorya, I need you to listen to me carefully." He lowered his hand. "I will meet him." Gorya gave him a pointed look. "I will have to give him a warning, you should know that." Gorya sent Thyme a dirty look. "What we need to do is figure out who sent him, Thyme. Nothing else matters." Thyme stared at Gorya. Yes, he was jealous. Gorya was acting like it wasn't a big deal that she met a guy who looked and sounded like him but from her own world. It scared the hell out of him. What if she chose this guy? Would she want to leave because of all the challenges of being associated with the Paramaanantra family? He represented what Thyme would have been had he been born into a modest family. Before Thyme could think twice he gripped both of her shoulders firmly in frustration. "Nothing else matters? I was worried about you. For three days, I had no idea where you were. And when you are able to return home, I see you banged up again!" He shook her slightly before backing and turning away from her. 

Gorya realized she could have phrased that better the moment the words left her. She knew Thyme was an unstable, ticking time bomb especially when he thought she was in danger. Gorya glanced at him. Hesitantly, she grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at her; as if she was scared he would push her away. Without a moment to lose, she cupped his face in her warm hands. "I need you to stop being a jealous dummy for one moment. I love you, Thyme. You! Want to know what else I told him?" She asked. Thyme really didn't want any details. "It's true, he might have your voice and looks. But Thyme, he doesn't have your heart. I only want you! Got it?" She asked him. She emphasized each word by moving her hands downward, grabbing each side of his lapel shirt.

Thyme stared down at this petite girl, tears emerging from his eyes. "So you wouldn't think of choosing him?" Gorya rolled her eyes. Moving her hands back up, nearly the same way after she asked him to put the shooting star necklace on her for the first time. "No." She whispered. Thyme hugged her quickly. "I need you to remember you are the best thing to have ever happened to me, Gorya."

Gorya backed away from him slowly, brushing his tears away with the back of her hand. Immediately, she touched a shoulder slightly. "Are we okay?" She asked, whispering in a nervous tone. Better than okay! It didn't matter if Ren loved her or this Deng Anurak Kraisee wanted her, He would always be the guy she wanted! "I'll research him tonight." He replied as he resumed walking his girl home. Not even three minutes later, they were in front of her house gate. Thyme kissed her temple and made a facial gesture that she needed to go inside. Thyme watched as she went inside, giving him that beautiful smile of hers. Thyme walked back to his car, finally at peace. Gorya was safe and sound back with her family!

Gorya stepped into her small living room. On the couch, below the covers was Thyme's look-alike! Gorya stared at him in shock. She ran her hands through her hair. She could tell he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath the blanket on top of it. Gorya was tempted to call Thyme and let him know but this would set him off. Maybe now, the guy would start to tell her the truth. She hoped Thyme would research him, filling in the blanks. Gorya didn't want to alert her family but she was terrified. How did this look-alike find out where she lived?!

Author's Notes: With the #ShootingStarInJapanD1 and #ShootingStarInJapanD2 concerts, I kept writing all over social media (Twitter, FaceBook, and Instagram), "F4, F4, F4!!!" I wish both shows could be seen in full. There are only clips... Towards the end, all the Fellas started tearing up. After this, it's the Concert in Seoul, South Korea. It's one of the last times we'll see All 4 on the same stage until GMM-tv decides to either make a season 2 OR a film of F4Thailand. In Hana Yori Dango, we got both to finish off Makino Tsukushi and Domyoji Tsukasa's story. Personally, I want to see P'Bright in a dual role with the fake cousin storyline (my favorite from the manga/comic). We saw how diverse he is when episode 7 came out. 

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