Thyme's Anguish, Gorya's Disappearance

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"Where's Gorya?" He asked. The two girls looked at each other hesitantly knowing full well Gorya was in some sort of trouble before answering him. Thyme didn't miss the look between them and trepidation began to set in his heart. Thyme was sure to panic and they both knew it. It was Kanning who grasped Lita's phone lightly with the news. "P'Thyme, Gorya's missing."

The moment he heard Kanning tell him Gorya was missing, he sprinted towards his car. He got in and started her up. He left the parking garage. At the same time, he removed his navy blue tie and black blazer. He gripped the steering wheel tightly. Lita grabbed her phone. "Thyme, you wouldn't happen to have a long-lost twin brother would you?" Thyme stared at his phone in annoyance. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about. All I care about is finding Gorya." Kanning video called Kavin. Maybe he would make his friend listen. Lita tried again. "You should know Gorya's family is aware of the situation. Thyme, the important bit of information you keep avoiding is Gorya went after a guy who looked like an identical twin to you."

Thyme knew they weren't making it up. There was a guy in the movie theatre that looked and sounded like him but was vicious to Gorya. And when he found the Bastard he was good as dead. "Tell me everything that happened."

When Kavin picked up the video call, Kanning started to explain. "P'Kavin, Gorya left with a man that looked identical to P'Thyme." She told him slowly. Kavin sighed lowering his glasses to rub his eyes. Kavin couldn't believe what he was hearing. Kanning continued. "P'Thyme doesn't have a brother, so who is he?" She asked. Kavin didn't like this one bit. "There was no difference at all?" He inquired. Kanning sighed, tears were rolling down her face again as she tried to remember any details that could help Gorya and the F4. "Lita, Gorya, and I were at the movie theatre when a guy was making disgusting remarks about us. The voice and guy were Thyme but it wasn't Thyme. He spoiled water on Gorya's shirt and walked away. Gorya followed him and now we can't get a hold of her." She told him in a worried tone.

Kavin knew immediately it wasn't Thyme. No, Thyme gained kindness and compassion because of Gorya. Under her influence, he had changed from a boy to a man. She was his motivation. He wouldn't hurt Gorya for anything. Thyme had the love from the tiny girl that was currently missing. "Kanning, I need you and Lita to be calm. The F4 are on it, okay?" He gave her a small comforting smile and disconnected the video call. Kavin reached out to call Thyme, he knew how his friend would act. He was scared his friend would lose himself and become that dark version of himself because Gorya was missing. He patched a three-way call. Ren had to be involved and through Ren, MJ.

Thyme had the sudden urge to tear the whole city apart looking for her. It wasn't like the time when her phone died while they were stuck in the staircase. At least she was with him, safe and sound. Or even that one time when it took him three days to see her again because she was so busy finding another job.

The F4 and now Lita told him of the newly established TG3, short for Tough Girl 3, which showed up at Thyme's place. Ren tried to reason with his best friend. "Thyme," He replied gently. "Destroying the town won't help. We need to have clues." Lita asked Thyme the question. "So you haven't found Gorya yet?"

With that, Lita reached into a shopping bag and pulled out a women's detective trench coat. "If we're detectives, sunglasses are an required item." Kavin sighed. Maybe he gave Lita the wrong advice. Thyme was agitated. "I don't like that he was sneaking around me. And when I'll find him, I'll look him right in the eye and tell him."

Lita took off the sunglasses, folding her arms over her chest. "Tell him what, Thyme? Not to go anywhere near Gorya?" The moment Thyme stood there, confounded she knew she was right. "You can't forgive him for what he did while pretending to be you." She told him out loud. Thyme shook his head, closing his eyes briefly. "I'm calling the Police." He announced. "I need a swim." He told his friends and Gorya's friends before leaving them on their own in the living room.

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