Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm that was set for 5:00am since that is when I would normally wake up for my morning routine, I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. Once I got into the bathroom, I opened the cabinet and pulled out a blade and started cutting, I know it's not the best idea to start cutting whenever you are dealing something but it's definitly a coping mechanism, nobody ever said that it's a good one but somehow.. it's relives stress. Anyways once I was done I cleaned up my arms and took a shower then I got dressed and went into the kitchen to start making breakfast, I made some eggs and then I went back to my room to grab my phone, my bag, and some stuff that I might end up needing. It was about 7:12am when I got to class, I was obviously the first one there, I didn't have a problem with being early, it only meant that I wouldn't have to listen to those loud extras, plus if I did stay at my dorm longer then I would have to answer the hag's calls and I don't really like answering them..

About 30 minutes later, students actually started showing up. The first person to enter the room other then me was shitty hair and pinky, they recently became a couple and their lovey dicey shit has been driving me insane!! They come over to talk to me.

"Hey bakubro!"
"What do you want shitty hair?"
"Bakubabe can't you just be nice for once?"
"I have to agree with Mina on this one, why can't you be nicer? The squad isn't always gonna have your back anymore ever since we found out that you bullied midobro."

"Then just fuck off!!"

They ended up walking away and I proudly sat back in my seat. I mean I did regret bullying Deku but I still did it, plus I totally just won that fight!! Class finally ends after hours and we can go back to our dorms.. although today I have to visit the hag, I leave class and go to my dorm. I put everything up and change clothes- clothes I knew the hag would want me to wear.. once I changed I snuck out of the dorms and made my way towards my house, I got there and it was silent. I knocked on the open door and my hag came out of the darkness with a man right behind her.

"Who is that?" I asked.
"Well since the abuse I give you doesn't work that well.. I've decided that you need more of a punishment then what I give you". She responded, then she snapped her fingers and the man came closer to me then he picked me up and brung me to a room that was somewhere in my house.. I didn't even know we had this room, he undressed me and started kissing and touching all over me. I screamed and pleading to be left alone but he wouldn't stop. About 3-4 hours later he finally left the room.. I was bruised and bloody and had scratches all over, I secretly left the house and went back to the dorms. I tried my best to get into the dorms without anyone noticing.. but it all failed when Deku walked into the room.

"GUYS!! My 3rd cousin just died!!" Deku said with fake sad in his voice, people still felt bad though.

I don't even know how people are friends with this dumbass dickhead, I tried my best to make it to my room with any suspicion and I made it! I cleaned the cuts and and patched the bruises. Then I went to the kitchen and got some water only to be met with a voice I hated with all of me..

"Y'know, this is revenge." The greenette said with a evil tone.
"This is all apart of my plan to get you taken out of UA, it's revenge for what you did!"

"I am done with your bullshit Deku.." I mumbled..

"What was that?" He questioned.


"Excuse me? It's not like you can do anything, why would anyone want to believe a selfish villain like you?!" He snapped back.

"Oh I'm sorry that your life is so perfect!!" I can't even believe what I'm saying.. this could get me into so much trouble, I don't even know what his home life is.. wait what the fuck am I thinking!! Ofc his life is great, he is sweet, kind, caring, honest kinda, adorable, he is loved my everyone!! Of course he has a good life and I know for a fact that he has it good!! I can't even believe how arrogant he is!

"Y'know what!? I can't take this anymore?!" I open the drawer and grab a knife, I then run out of the room and into principal's office where I turn on the microphone on and I start talking into it. "UA, this is katsuki bakugou talking. I would like to say something before I end it all.. life is unfair and the only thing you get out of it is betrayal and abuse, nobody is fucjing perfect and nobody will ever be perfect, you may think everyone has a perfect life when not everyone has a single thing in their life that has not gone horrible wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, right? But that doesn't mean that you go against them on everything!? This is bakugou katsuki and I'm going to talk about my homelife since none of you know what it fucking feels like, alright? My mom started abusing me when I was 7, 7!? She punished me if I did something wrong, and no it wasn't the best idea to take it out on Izumi misprints but I still did it anyways, yesterday.. my mother took it further and sold me to a guy, he raped me and my mother watched it.. she heard my screams and cries for help but she didn't do anything, he took away my quirk so now I am quirkless, that won't last for long though.. we live in a society where people justify if you are a villain or not because of some stupid power, the lov, they have a reason for becoming a villain, and I'm sure it's a good villain, everyone has had their own kind of trauma, it may not be as bad as others but that doesn't mean that- that-" I was speaking proudly before I got interrupted by a horrible pain in my chest.. OH NO!! Was I having a heart attack here ,  in the middle of my amazing speech?! Oh for fucks sake?! I have to finish this. "But that doesn't mean that you should step on others, this is my last entrance as katsuki bakugou, just know that this was ally of your faults class 1A and mother.." and with that I had stabbed myself right when the pro heroes and class 1A arrived in the office, they saw me with the knife in my chest, Deku and aizawa sensei were the only ones who ran up to me to try and stop my bleeding,
"Please kacchan im sorry!!  I will do anything!! Please just stay awake, I can't do this thing we call life without you?! Please don't go?!" Izumi pleaded,

"Im so sorry Izu-" I get interrupted by a cough..
"My time here is done, forget about me and move on with your life.. please.." I slowly started seeing the light.. and my eyes closed for the last time...

Angel: "so that's how you died?"
Bakugou: "yup!"
Angel: "shouldn't you be in hell though for committing suicide?"
Bakugou: "well I had a good reason for it so I guess I just lucky, idk"
Angel: "damn, that's pretty low of that Deku kid."
Bakugou: "yeah but I forgive him"
Angel: "weren't you like an angered issues kid? Why are you so calm now?"
Bakugou: "idk, it's just now that I'm dead.. I feel like there is no reason to be angry anymore.."

This is the end, I don't rlly care if you didn't like this, anyways I'm gonna go now!!

Words: 1409

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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If bakugou..committed $U¡€¡D3..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz