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If you were to ask a young Mio what she wanted to do when she was older, she would smile and proudly state, "I want to be a fighter like my mommy!"

Any person would assume her mother was a boxer or something along those lines.

But Mio's mother was not a normal person. She was a jujutsu sorceress, and poor little Mio wanted to be one because of her.

Mio's mother, Akira,  had her when she was in her second year of jujutsu tech. When she found out she was pregnant with Mio she wasn't worried about the unborn baby, but her career instead.

She knew who the father was. She met him on a mission in a foreign country, and he was there as another sorcerer from the country to help her out. They were both strong sorcerers, so they finished things early. One thing lead to another and she was left to deal with the consequences.

Akira never tried to find him because she knew that he could do nothing about it, he couldn't move to the other side of the world just to raise a kid with a girl he barely knew, he had a life back where he lived and she didn't want him to suddenly leave it.

So she decided to keep the kid. She knew this would affect everything about her career and that the child would be raised in a world no human being should have to witness.

But deep down there was a very selfish reason for keeping the child. Akira was a special grade, while the father of her unborn child was a grade-one sorcerer. Both being powerful sorcerers the mother believed that she could birth a prodigy, someone that can one day have people on their knees worshipping them.

However, what she didn't know is that the child she was going to birth and raise would not be a god or anything like that, but a monster.

That's what she thought when she gave birth to her daughter at least.

Mio was born with two different eye colors. her left eye was a dark purple with gray pupils while on the right side, she had a red eye, just a red eye, there was no pupil or iris. Her eye was just a scarlet red color. She was blessed with doe eyes that could make anyone's heart melt if it weren't for the fact that her eyes were borderline creepy.

The baby was born with a head full of hair that was the color of maroon with a streak of black. she had tan honey color skin that she had inherited from her father. She had two beauty marks, one above her left eyebrow and the other just below the right side of her upper lip.

Akira thought Mio was the most beautiful being to ever grace the planet. The mother no longer cared if she was going to be as strong as a god one day because she just wanted to protect her from that life she so wanted to put her daughter into. Even though she no longer wanted mio to grow up in a life of curses she knew she couldn't avoid it.

The mom was aware that her baby's eye was like that because of the cursed technique she would develop when she got older and that's what scared her. She was scared she would be too powerful and would die from it. Akira had to start training mio as soon as possible so that her abilities wouldn't become too much for her to handle and overpower her one day.

When Mio was born Akira would sling her on her back and take her on missions whenever she was assigned one so that over time Mio could get quickly understand that she was living in a world with curses in them as she got older. That was very immature of her but she couldn't do anything about it, she trusted no one to watch her precious baby for her while on missions, plus, she liked the company even if it was a baby.

Akira had heard what Mio wanted to be on her fourth birthday. it was a young 17-year-old gojo that had asked the young girl about her future occupation.

Just days after hearing her answer Akira started training Mio. From seven in the morning to six in the evening whenever the mother had off days from missions. When Akira did have missions she would have her daughter assist her in them.

Although this may have seemed like a cruel punishment and a miserable way of living for a small child, Mio loved every second of it. she loved the adrenaline rushing through her veins when her mother gave her her first weapon on her fifth birthday, a dagger that was meant for close combat, that she loved with every bone in her body.

The dagger was a simple one that wouldn't catch the eye of most but what made it so amazing to little Mio was the handle. It was wrapped in a purple cloth that matched her eye and had a small moon crescent engraved in it. it was beautiful.

Along with the dagger, Mio received an eyepatch to cover her red eye. She appreciated it a lot because she rarely went in public because of it and when she did she would get weird looks.

That was six years ago.

Now, Mio was about to go to school for the first time in her 11 years of living. It took a lot of convincing to get her mother to let her go, but the daughter convinced her mother that she was strong enough to do it.

She had to fight for a special grade to prove to her mother she was capable of going to school without fear of being killed by a curse. Although it had been very difficult on Mio's end, she was capable of defeating it. After a few months of healing from the fight mio was enrolled in a middle school and started her studies.

Mio can protect herself just fine, but can she protect everyone else?

AUTHORS NOTES- one thousand words is CRAZY 😭😭 but anything for the five readers that have read my introduction to this as I was writing this 😘.I also downloaded Grammarly to help me with this and let me tell you there were A LOT of mistakes. Also, no one tells you how hard it is to write a story until you do it yourself because I was struggling.
STORY NOTES- just FYI I'm gonna make mio and her mom op because like girl boss andIi forgot to mention that she does have a cursed technique and did use it to defeat the special grade that will be explained later on yea. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK. BYE 😘😘

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