The oneshot 😱😱😱

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Tw kinda detailed s/lf h/rm scene

It was a rough day for me. I've honestly been kinda going through it lately, good thing bandages here are the norm so nobody questions the bandages on the arms. But I really should stop doing this before someone finds out cause I severely hurt myself.

I wonder a lot, does anyone really like me? Im really just a shut in and when people do hang out with me I have a hard time knowing what to say and im probably really boring. And... im dating sonic and well.. me being a shut in must be annoying for him as he likes to be out more. I do go out more to hang out with him and stuff but I feel like he's annoyed with me

Maybe he doesn't actually like me? What if he just feels bad for me? What if he's just trying to make amy jealous? That's another thing. Amy still has a big crush on sonic and it really bothers me, id love to get along with her but, I think she hates me due to me being Sonic's girlfriend.

I ripped the bandages off my left arm and got to work with my blade. It... hurt more than usual. Am I getting weaker? Maybe I am.. I dont like that. Sonic probably wants someone strong and shit but I'm such a crybaby over everything. Why is he even dating me? Am I just being paranoid or does he not actually love me? I cut into the already open cut to go in deeper.

Blood starts spilling out of my wrist and it gets darker the longer it stays there. And I think I would've sworn I saw white? I haven't hit styros in a while since I'm so weak haha, I just sat there and looked at the blood spilling. Thinking about it all.

Although when I was about to clean up the mess, suddenly I hear a knock from my door "hey y/n!!! You said you wanted to hang out at the beach for a bit later soooooo can I come in?" Oh shit. I completely forgot I asked sonic to go out later I'm so fucking retarded!!!! I scramble quickly to get paper to clean up the mess and get new bandages "oh ummm hiiii sonic!!! I'm not exactly ready yet ummm I'll be there in a minute"

"Okay well hurry up!!! I wanna see my pretty girl" oh fuck fuck FUCK I wrap the new bandage around my arm even though there's still blood flowing out which shows outside of the bandage. I'll just try to hide it and hope for the best. I rush to the door and open it "h-hi sonic..!"

"Awhhh hi my princess! I missed ya" he leans in to kiss my cheek which makes my cheeks heat up, I reallllyyyyyy like kisses. "Hey you feeling okay? You look uhhmmmm how should i put it? Off." Fuck I even look terrible??? Ughhh I've talked about my feelings to him before he should know me looking like this is common for me!!! "Oh uhh do I? don't I always look like this?"

"Yeah but like.. you look panicked and shit, ehhhh it's whatever I know you'd never hide something from me" he pats me on the back. Way to make me unintentionally feel worse haha. I grabs my right hand and starts dragging me along to walk to his place where the beach is "eeek! Hey sonic can't you just carry me there?"

"Hmmm that's true but don't you want a romantic walk around the island?" "Hmmm that's true!!" We walked and I tried my best hiding my arm from sonic and all the other citizens as we walked by, being really scared that even sonic seemed to take notice "hey you sure you're alright? You seem worried about something" FUCK Why does he have to be so good at sensing things!!!! "What? No no it's fine I'm just thinking deeply about something.."  I'm so shit at excuses oh my god

"Whatever you're worried about just snap out of it, you're with me!! Let's just spend time together okay?" He says in a carefree tone, I'll try my best sonic but it's gonna be hard not to be on edge when literally any second a big secret of mine can be revealed.

We arrive at at Sonic's shack and the beach, I sit on the sand and the look into the ocean, "it's been a while since you've been out of the house y/n! You should look at the ocean once in a while" I'm feeling a little mischievous soooo "sonic aren't you afraid of water?" Haha! How is he going to reply to that! "Well as Long as im not actually touching it!!! Or anything!!! If I was that afraid of water I wouldn't even have a shack right infront of the ocean" "hmmm you've got a point! Haha" wow this man is hot.

"Hey what's that? Oh shit you're bleeding!!!" FUCK he saw my arm while caught off guard!! What do I do what do I do think think think!!! "O-oh!!! Yeah umm I just tripped and I just cut my arm on something yeah yeah! It's reallyyyy nothing though just don't worry about it"

Sonic raises an eyebrow at me, he can sense some shit is up. "Well can I see how bad it is? It can't be that bad right!!?" "Ummm!! I really rather you not!!!" Suddenly he rips the bandage off me and before I could even panic "I just wanna se- OH FUCK." Shitbshitheithsithut he saw it he knows now fuck I need to do something quick quick quick

"O-oh yeah I'm a hugeeeee clumsy person so I ummm trip over and cut my arm a lot haha. "Y/n. Those cuts look really bad for just tripping over and there are a whole lot. Let me see the other arm too-" I get my arm away from him "no! You can't!" I try my best to do anything I can but I can feel that he already knows it all.

He gets on top of me and takes the bandage off my right arm, now I'd admit this is hot if it wasn't for the context but sonic pinning me down?? Hell yeah!!! WAIT OH SHIT WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT HES LITERALLY FINDING OUT MY SECRET

"Ahhh!!! This one's somehow even worse.. and.. is that my fucking name carved into it??? That does not just happen y/n!" I couldn't help but start shedding tears. Was he disappointed in me? Disgusted in me? I cant... I dont Wanna lose him...

"Y/n... I want you to tell me what's going on. I've heard that... some really unfortunate people would hurt themselves like this. Have you?" I look away... I was scared but I said yes. He looked scared and concerned like he doesn't know how to handle this. I'm really sorry sonic. I must be putting a lot on you right now... if only you didn't have to find out this way.

"Baby listen to me.." he wraps his arm around me and I blush a bit. "I... don't know how to help with this or anything but I care about you so much and I'd hate to see anything happen to you... I don't want you to severely hurt yourself. It might feel good to you but it hurts me to see you hurting yourself like this!!! I love you okay?"

Oh my god... I've never seen sonic this sympathetic towards someone... does he really mean it? He loves me this much? I'm so lucky to get someone so hot and caring. I put my face in his chest and just cry. "I'm sorry I... don't know what to say.. I'm sorry for hiding this from you for so long and you're probably weirded out by this." "No y/n! I just.. don't really know how to handle this." He says in a guilty tone "but I'll be here with you okay? These cuts still look pretty bad. Maybe tails can do something-"

"NO! I mean... I just... don't want anyone else finding out about it." "Oh umm okay it just looks like it could get infected or something" "it's okay babe they are fine without any of that stuff."

"Is.. this why you wear bandages all the time?" I nod my head "damn... this whole time I thought you were just trying to be like me and my team, guess I was pretty wrong haha..." he leans in and kisses my lips. The kiss was short and sweet and I loved it. "And ummm if you don't mind me asking, why do you do this to yourself?" I hesitate a little. But after everything. I think he deserves my trust.

*y/n traumadump inserted here fuck you*

"Oh... I'm really sorry my princess. Listen I will always ALWAYS be here for you. No matter if you're a shut in or people find you weird or anything like that! I'll be sticking by your side." You feel so warm by Sonic's words. The only thing that could complete it is him pinning you down and degrading y-

"Oh and umm... sorry to ask a lot of question but I just need to know WHY in the world do you have MY name craved into your arm??" Oh god... I really dont want him to know just how obsessed with him I am. He's going to find me weird and what if even scared of me?? "Oh ummm... I just found your name cool!!! That's all!! Heh"

"Hmmm yeah! My name is pretty cool!"


Yeah abrupt ending oh my god I'm going to kms what was I thinking when I wrote this

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