Chapter 1 - Jackets

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[??? PoV]

"What's taking so long, Jake?" Drew asked as he watched his best friend hectically digging through his locker. "I just can't find my jacket!" the blonde male complained to his friend while shutting his locker. Drew sighed. "Well, where did you see it last?" he asked, taking a quick glance at their friends who were still talking. "I think that I last had it in the music room. I probably left it there," Jake sighed.

"Well, how about we catch up later? Then, you can get your jacket and we already go to my house?" Drew suggested. Jake nodded in agreement. "Sure. See you guys later then," Jake replied with a smile before leaving towards the music room.

[Jake PoV]

I can't believe I left it in the music room! Hopefully no one took it. I quickly walked through the hallways towards the club room. The school was completely empty as I ran by the lockers on the sides.

Finally, I stopped by the music room. But just as I was about to open the door, I heard music? But I thought everyone had already left?

I opened the door and looked through the small crack to see Sean and Daisy jamming to a beat that Sean made. I swallowed when I saw him. I clenched my fists when I saw how Daisy suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Sean's eyes widened and didn't seem to kiss her back. That was the moment I fully opened the door. Daisy immediately jumped backwards while Sean turned towards the door in shock. I walked in and looked from Sean to Daisy and back as if I hadn't seen what Daisy did just seconds ago.

"Hey guys. Didn't expect you to still be here," I fake laughed. Even tho I just wanted to cry. Daisy laughed awkwardly, taking a quick glance at Sean, who looked uncomfortable to the floor. "Anyway. I'm just here to grab my jacket. See you later," I quickly said and grabbed my jacket before leaving without closing the door.

My heart was racing when I ran outside and down the street towards Drew's home. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe anymore and stopped for a second. I had been running for about three minutes.

I quickly took out my phone and saw that I had one message from Sean. I raised my eyebrows and opened them:

Sean <3
Hey Jake. I think you took my hoodie instead of your jacket.

I swallowed and looked at the jacket in my hand. It really was Sean's hoodie! OH NO! I was so irritated by the kiss between Sean and Daisy, that I completely ignored if I took the right Jacket or not! I quickly texted back:

I'm so sorry, but I'm already at Drew's house.                                                           How about I just give it back to you tomorrow?

Sean <3
Sure. I don't mind. Cya tomorrow then!


I sighed and looked at the hoodie in my hand before putting it on. It smelled like Sean and was very comfortable. I really liked it.

"You sure took your time," Drew complained as we walked to his room. "Sorry. I got held up by Daisy," I lied. Drew raised his eyebrows before examining the hoodie I was wearing. "So, why don't you have your jacket?" he asked. I swallowed. "Can I tell you and the others when we're in your room?" I asked. He nodded unsure and opened the door.

"So? What is it you wanted to tell us?" Drew asked when we all were sitting. I sighed. "So, you remember how I told you that I moved on from Daisy?" I asked. They all nodded curiously. "Well, I fell in love with someone else," I mumbled. Their eye's widened, especially Zoey's. "OMG! You must tell us who it is!" she shouted. I smiled uncomfortably before saying: "But I don't know how you guys will react."

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