Vacation Scare

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Family Vacations were rare but when they happen, they are usually the best experience. Emphasis on "Usually."

The car ride back from Disney to the Airbnb was filled with laughter, talking and picture sharing. As we pulled into the driveway and got out excited about what ride we were going to go on the next day, we took our baths, brushed our teeth, and got ready for bed. The Airbnb was big, but not big enough to fit all of us without sharing a bed. As I turn to go in the room, I see my cousin Alexis sitting on our bed looking down and sweating profusely. Her Sister Alissa was at her side, asking if she needed anything. After Alexis assured us she was ok we all got into bed and drifted off to sleep.


I sprung awake. Ten year old me didn't know what to make of the scene in front of me. My elder cousin, shaking violently right next to me. I looked around as the room was suddenly filled with adults. My mom, dad, Aunts, Uncles, and grandparents. No one had medical training. At least not for seizures. My elder brother had 911 on the phone and moments later an ambulance had arrived and was on the scene. Once the ambulance with my cousin, her sister, and my grandmother left, the rest of us stood in silence, not knowing what to do or say after this unfolded. Once she was released from the hospital, her mother demanded that they come home. So, our trip was cut short and we went home a day early.

A.N: Hey guys! Lex is perfectly fine. She is sensitive to flashing lights because they could cause seizures. It was terrifying of course. Shes all good though.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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