One Shot (fluff)

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You and your class were giving you a hard time, especially for not slipping for 3 week. You were giving hints that you really need to slip to your girlfriend Larissa, but she was busy with Wednesday Addam who was giving Larissa a hard time. You'd be lucky enough if Larissa came in bed when you were still awake.

(In your classroom)

(Y/N's Pov)
Everything was getting louder even the silence was loud to you. You couldn't handle it any longer. You ended up running out of your classroom making everyone confused on why did you run out of your classroom.

(Larissa's Pov)

I saw my doors to my office open up with two students coming inside without knocking. I got slightly pissed off that they didn't knock. "Hey uhm principal Weem, Y/N kinda just ran out of her classroom leaving her students in there by themselves, and not saying why she ran out,  and we can not find her" The student on the left said slightly quietly. "I will go check up on her. Okay. Why don't y'all go back to y'all's classes" I said with worry in the sentence.

The student left my office, and I got up and went to Y/N's dorm.

As I got inside I only saw a younger version of Y/N. "Momomo...?" I hear Y/N babbled. I walked over to her only to find her cuddle up against her teddy bear that I got her not so long ago. My face soften up at the sight. "Yes, Sweetheart, momma is here" I said softly as I wrapped my arms around the smaller version of Y/N. "Blanky?" Y/N asked. "I will go get it, Sweetie" I told her as I let go of her, and grabbed the boxes filled with stuff animals, and other thing from under the bed. "I believe your blanky is at the bottom of this box, Love" I told her as she got onto her knees, and started to go through the box.

As she was putting the other stuffed animals and other stuff on the other side of her bed and finally found her blanky I asked her if she could help me clean up the scattered stuffed animals across her bed, that she took out. She nodded as a response and helped me clean up the mess.

"Mamama, Bluey" Y/N said as she pointed to the large TV. "Sure, Darling, lets go watch Bluey" I said, as I picked her up with her blanket covering her and carried her over to the couch.

I turned on the TV, and put on Bluey for Y/N as I put her down on the couch and walking over to the kitchen. Grabbing a sippy-cup for Y/N.

I went over to the fridge and grabbed the chocolate milk to put some in Y/N's sippy-cup.

I poured the chocolate milk into the sippy-cup and walked over to Y/N and handed her sippy-cup.

"I wuv u, mamama" Y/N said with the brightest smile I've ever seen. "I love you too, sweetheart" I said and smiled softly back at her, and sat next to her as she crawled on to my chest, and lay there listening to my soft heart beat while watching her show.


Can someone in real life treat me like that please anyways I love this very much☺

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