Juvenile Delinquent

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My dad's shenanigans didn't end there, the lack of positive attention he received didn't help. While eating dinner one night his older sister didn't like something he had said. His sister Alice proceeded to stab him right above his eye lid with a fork. He pissed his mom off numerous times which resulted in full cans of Crisco thrown at him causing scars on his forehead and the top of his skull.

When he was nine years old, his parents left him at home by himself. While they were gone he got a long piece of pipe of his dad's ( he was a plumber) and filled it with gun powder. He put a wick in it. So he took it to the back yard and lit it. His parents pulled up right as the pipe bomb ignited. It took off and ripped through the fence plus two neighbors fences.
As soon as his parents got in the house a neighbor called and they had seen the pipe bomb come from their yard and they wanted reimbursed for the new fence my dad destroyed.
My dad dropped out of school before entering junior high but it didn't limit his intelligence, he was very smart.
My grandfather came home one day with a woman on his arm. He told my grandmother he was leaving her. My grandmother called the woman a whore, she lived across the street. My grandfather slapped my grandmother for saying that. My dad was in the other room and heard the slap. He came in the room and threatened him. Things were getting heated so the woman snuck out quietly. My grandfather went into the bathroom and began filling the tub. He came out and drug my dad into the bathroom and locked the door and proceeded to hold my dad's head under hot water. His mother started banging on the door and kept banging. My grandfather eventually opened the door.

Well grandfather didn't leave grandma. Approximately a week later my dad who was fifteen at the time was riding his bicycle up one of the hilly streets of Redondo Beach. He saw a car hit a power pole and then saw something fly into the air. Later that day my dad saw what happened on the news, the driver of the car that crashed was the woman my grandfather was having an affair with. Not only did she crash, a power wire had came down and severed her head from her body and it flew into the air. To be continued.

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