Another Word

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  Screw you.

That's all I can say.

Screw you.

The way you blink like you're winking, teasing me with every mindless bloody stare. The way you breathe, as though you're trying to rob me of fresh air and force me to breathe your disgusting lowblood air.

The way you sneer, showing off your jagged teeth, pointed like you're waiting to bite into me.

Out of every lowblood trapped in this bunker, I... Fucking... Hated you and your gog damn yellow blood.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" His split tongue pressed into his fangs, forcing his speech to come out slurred. "Are you going to take a picture? Get my good side, will you?"

He snidely spat, as if he had the authority to speak up to someone like me. Who did he think he was? That didn't even warrant an answer, I wasn't going to lower myself to his level.

It was too tempting to wrap my prong around his Meal Tunnel and squeeze. Squeeze until he passed out.

The thought felt wonderfully nice, like a fuzzy feeling rolling down from my gills to my Strut Pod.

Even as I leaned back in my spinning chair, barely allowing it to move without my permission with pushing it back and forth like a pupa's rocking toy, I could not peel my eyes away from the pissblooded Sollux.

He tried to ignore me after my silence, his multicolored eyes flickering with the reflection of his husktop on his lap, but it made no difference.

I wanted to stare, so I would stare as much as I damn well pleased until I got bored.

My own husktop on the desk behind me beeped with a message of some annoying troll but I cared little to turn around and answer right then.

Damn you Sollux... The more I stared the more I got increasingly pissed off. How could he sit in the Splaysac so comfortably, what right did he have for comfort when I was so annoyed by his presence?

Another beep as a message came through once more, earning a grin from the pathetic mustardblood.

"You should answer that, Ampora, could be important."

"Don't call me that," I spat back without a moment to think, "It's only Eridan to you. Or rather, don't say my name at all."

"Whatever..." Sollux didn't even look up from his screen, "Freak."

Please, namecalling now? Childish, really.

Silence flooded the room, and if for a moment, my Lookstubs flickered to my screen as my body turned back to the desk. Not that I would give him the satisfaction of knowing my curiosity was piqued with the notifications at any rate.

Who could it have been? Perhaps that rotten bastard clown, or the hemoanon twig, neither would surprise me. Feferi would have been ideal, but a moment of yellow text flashing across my screen nearly sent every bone into my body into a rage.

Since when did he feel he had any right to message me?! What the bloody fuck was that putrid grubdish doing on that husktop, acting so smug and comfortable?!

When I jumped up, the spinning chair swept out from under me, slamming against the desk and flicking the pissblood's psionic eyes back up to me.

He continued to jeer as though he thought it was funny to dig his claws under my gills.

Another Word ((Eridan X Sollux Kismesis One Shot))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें