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it was a rough few months for the group with the uncertainty about Keith and Lance but that never got in the way of the battles. that was until today. The group was meeting with the blades leader and choice Shiro obviously as pack leader but they also brought Keith and Lance was concerned "If that hot head messes up in there then all the galra will be our enemy not just the empire. It's not that I'm questioning Shiro's judgement I don't have the right but out of all of us he should have brought Allura as the diplomate." Allura smiled slightly "I agree Lance but Black was too big to fly in the safe path and Red is the fastest so it had to be Keith to make it through in time." Lance sighed "Still think he will start a fight". A few hours later Keith came back beaten and bruised and Lance glared at Shiro "You were meant to protect him! He's unclassified you quiznacking dumbass!" before Shiro could open his mouth Kolivan came up behind him "The halfling chose this. He wanted knowledge and this was the only way for him to get it. our mentality is knowledge or death" Lance was ready to attack him "So what did he learn?... Wait halfling?" Kolivan nodded "He has galra blood in his veins and it's normal for halflings not to get a rank till their teens. We have a simuler system to Alteans but we swap sigmas and deltas. deltas are close to omegas but don't have the maternal instincts so they are preferred for breeding for the armies." Lance sighed "so what are you? Alpha?" Kolivan smiled slightly "I'm an omega myself but it doesn't matter in the blades" Allura looked to Keith "he's galra?!" Shiro nodded slightly "We don't know how much but yeah" Lance sighed "Shiro you go take Keith to a pod. Leave the Omegas to talk. That means you too princess" Keith gasped softly "So you took the test" Lance nodded "Go heal!" Lance returned after a while with a list of stuff written in Altean but it had the symbols for Alpha and Omega on it. It was a list of the signs to look out for when his puberty hits for both to cover the bases. The next few days were uneventful Lance found the library and did research on his own about altean omegas and found that they are rare but that's only cause their scents were so weak that they didn't register to most alphas up to 80% were unclassified or deemed deltas for the rest of their lives.

Keith had recovered and found Lance in the library and saw the book he was looking at "Why are you looking at an altean biology book Lance? We know you're fully human, I met your parents" Lance sighed "My adoptive parents. I never said anything cause I thought it wasn't relevant. Since I understand Altean, I thought I'd read up on their biology so that I'd know what to do if my suspicions were confirmed. I got the info for you but I have to write it in English before I can give it to ya. I'll have it ready by tonight." Keith was confused "Did you write it in Altean or Spanish" Lance smirked "Altean!" Keith sighed "When did you get so fluent in it?" Lance put the book down and looked at Keith "I think when I was when I woke up from the pod. I said I felt different" Lance smiled slightly "How do you feel?" Keith flinched slightly at the question "Fine. Why?" Lance giggled slightly "Cause as the other unclassified I thought it might affect you too. And by your reaction, I guess so" Keith sighed "You always were observant. I feel drained. Like Shiro after a rut but I wasn't even in one" Lance sighed "Well I'm screwed. Kolivan said that post-rut drain would be expected when you wake up if you're an alpha. He said if you were an omega it would have been like me, you feel refreshed but you should rest. You actually feel tired I was just sedated"

Keith sighed "Being bossed around by an omega is this an alternate reality?" Lance growled deeply "Don't try me! If it wasn't for me you would still be scratching your head over the lion drawing" Keith sighed "I'd admit I owe you for that but then you nearly killed us with your flying" Lance sighed "We got out of there didn't we?" Lance leaned on the table "A campfire" Keith looked down "I guess you're smelling me. I smelled you after you woke up but I didn't know till after. You smell like a sea breeze over a lavender field" Lance went red "Please stop!" Keith covered his mouth and tensed up "You aren't safe." Lance sighed "I'll be fine. Just haven't slept in the last few days. It's catching up with me." Keith sighed "Really Lance you're impossible sometimes"

Since that day Shiro and Keith started butting heads and Lance kept his suppressants on him. He got Coran to make scent blockers for him and he had them from the get-go "I had them made for your scent after Keith told me what it is." Lance sighed "Keith turned out to be an alpha." Then Allura summoned an emergency meeting to discuss the recent development. Lance went in and rolled his eyes "Si princessia?" She looked to Lance "You out of all of us should be concerned, Lance!" Lance glared at her "I know about Keith and it's not a problem" Allura sighed "But he's... one of them!" Lance sighed "I don't remember my life on Altea so I don't have anger against them and you shouldn't either. Think Alfor would want that?..." Lance leaned on the wall. "If that's what this meeting is about I'll go lay down I don't feel so good. My head is pounding" Lance made it to his room and passed out on his bed. Lance was woken in the morning by a very confused and concerned Keith "Lance wake up!" Lance winced "Don't yell. I was sleeping off the headache from yesterday... it has been a qurintant right?" Keith nodded "Look in the mirror. Allura asked me to check on you since your head was hurting" Lance sat up and yawned as he stretched "So what is it Keith? I have something on my face?" he went to the joined bathroom and screamed "What the hell!" he pulled on his long ears and sobbed slightly "It's true... I'm one of them" Keith went in after him "Hey at least you're one of the good guys" Lance held his chest "Y-you d-don't understand. Alteans male omegas go through some major changes" Keith saw that Lance was scared "What changes?" Lance sighed "I don't want to say it but if I stay safe I'll be fine"

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