Chapter 2

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"Kadyn are you ready for the SAT"
Kadyn heard a voice behind her. She turned around and replied to her friend.
"No one is, but last year I got a 97 out of 100, I think I'm good for this year".
She didn't want to tell anyone that she would have gotten an 100 but she purposely got 3 wrong so she wouldn't have to go through so many questions.
"Well I guess I'll see you after school, meet me at Jamba Juice". ( Their local smoothie bar ) She turned toward Rob and she gave him the look that meant wouldn't miss it for a thing

She walked into the white walled room and sat down next to Alisha her cousin that got transferred from another school.
"Students take your seats . We will be starting the SAT today . I am going to go over some basic rules with you all before we get started.
1. No cell phones during any portion of the test this will validate your test scores
2. No food or drink until your 3 hour break
3. When you finish look over your test in that section only
4. After you finished all the sections bring you test to me and go to the library you will get dismissed from there

Mr. Tony finished up his sentence.

*30 mins later*
Kadyn finished her test first so she went to the teacher and told him that she finished.
Mr. Tony told her that this cannot be possible.
Kadyn gave him a squint-eyed look. He gave her a pass and she took off to the school library located in the middle of her high school.

She arrived 2nd in the library.
She wondered if the other person in the library got questioned as well. One of the ladies working in the library said they could go home because they had half days.

Kadyn took off taking a glance of the other boy in the Library. He had light brown hair green eyes with a gold rim and freckles. He wore and blue T-shirt that highlighted his muscles.

She turned back around

As she was walking home she heard footsteps running behind her but they never passed her , she didn't have time to turn around before the aged man said something to her .

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