One Shot

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The Father did gg stan twt a solid by making me as mentally ill as I am because the way gg stan twt would be on my head for all the unpopular opinions I have. Like I swear that it just be my genuine opinions and that I'm not tryna be a contrarian like I'm as big a hater of contrarian ass niggas as everyone else so it would be so insulting to be misunderstood as one. Like belllieve twt would've ratioed the hell out of me for sayin' that Sua and Haram are billlie's best dancers just as much as wizone twt would've beat my ass for sayin' that no one in iz*one was good enough to be main dancer save for Chaeyeon like... And like me sayin' Sua and Haram are billlie's best dancers wouldn't have even been a knock against Tsuki's talent but definitely would've been interpreted as such like don't get it twisted, Tsuki's a solid dancer but the thing is is that Better by Boa requires a lot of technique and although Tsuki had enough technique to pull it off just fine, her being unable to dial it back on her power projection and the overall shortcomings of her technique is why she wasn't able to pull Better off nearly as well as Sua. Sua is so sickening, though, like my god and so is Haram like they're the two billlie dancers that are actually on par with chaerji like those are my girls. I really love me some Sheon, too. Haram's voice like whew, being introduced to her as vocalist for the first time while listening to ring ma bell was a real out of body experience and like I was on my period at the time so I'm sure that that was why her vocals in ring ma bell hit me the way that they did. I'll always respect me a well-rounded group like billlie, nmixx, and loona are all in a categories I'd like to call "well-rounded groups that I can't click with as an overall group but am still rooting for" and "well-rounded groups with members that I click with". Speaking of nmixx, I was hard on them for having the nerve to drop a debut as shitty as o.o on top of the questionable decisions in regards to the dance positions that were given to certain members, so I wanna be nicer and give them their tens. So while o.o absolutely deserved to be snubbed, the choreography for it being snubbed was some fuckin' foolishness. Like listen, o.o was choreographed to the nines like it's dead the best debut title track choreography to come from a 4th gen girl group like what I hate about nmixx is them shirking song quality for choreography quality cuz both o.o and dice's choreography were excellent while the songs themselves were horrible like that's very boy group of them and I don't mean that as a compliment. I think they're finally about to make a turnaround with their upcoming title track, though, and I hope I'm right because nmixx are a group with skills that deserve to be respected but shit, it's not gonna happen if they keep putting out horrible title tracks like it all starts with the music and if they don't put out music that's actually listenable then they'll forever be not taken seriously. No but lemme whack jyp one more time because for jyp to use the tagline "Your next favorite group" to generate interest for nmixx during their predebut days just to make nmixx give us o.o is insanity like I despise that nigga.  I think billlie just might be coming with a title track that I click with, too, like fingers crossed that they come back with a serve. But anyways, today is a good day because blonde!Chaeyeon is back.:')


Yes, he is standing with his backed pressed into the corner of the wall to keep the pretty girl who works here from catching sight of him. Why? Because his life is a fuckin' joke, that's why. Sighing through his nose, Riki closes his eyes, the memory of the most humiliating day of his life going by the name of yesterday making him wanna sink down to the ground in despair.

It all started when his dad paid him a visit at the academy. He recalled the sweet, soft tone of her voice as she thanked him for letting her on the elevator with him and his father, recalled the way he'd swallowed at the meeting of their eyes and how good she'd smelled. In that moment, the elevator had felt so compact, Riki having stayed as still as a statue as he stood rigidly next to his father, more aware of himself than he'd ever been. He'd been thinking of everything from if he'd sprayed himself with enough cologne earlier that day in the morning to if he'd ever get past the point of only knowing her as "the pretty girl who works at the academy" when his father did the unthinkable: fuckin' farted.

When I left my heart for you in the elevator, did you, perhaps, pick it up?Where stories live. Discover now