1 | ❝Lovesick❞ - Gyehyeon

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✎ i. lovesick

Your heart condition had always made it so that you were in and out of the hospital since you were two

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Your heart condition had always made it so that you were in and out of the hospital since you were two. You had hated the stark white walls and bright lights on the ceiling since you were that young, not to mention the bed with pillows so big you could probably fit your small body entirely on them and still have room. It always made you feel fragile and small - always being trapped in your hospital room, unable to get out.

But at least the nurses were nice. They helped you take your medication, talked with you when you got bored, went on walks with you to the outside patio in the hospital, and even read bedtime stories to you to help you fall asleep. They were definitely closer friends to you than any of your school friends which you rarely got to see anymore.

You thought you would always be alone in your hospital room, until one day a boy was put in the empty bed on the other side of the room. You were ten at the time, and took the addition to be a personal offence at first. It was supposed to be your room. You never had to share before.

For the first two weeks, you didn't speak a single word to the boy. You observed him in silence, judging whether he was a threat to the normalcy of your life or not. He had dark hair and catlike features. He also had a habit of singing when he thought you were asleep. Except you were rarely asleep, and instead heard his surprisingly beautiful voice softly letting out melodious notes.

One day at breakfast, you finally decided to talk to him.

"What's your name?" You asked him, poking at your small stack of pancakes to see how fluffy they were.

"Gyehyeon. What's yours?" He turned to you, small figure looking as fragile as yours as he sat up on his bed. Maybe you two were in the same boat.

"Y/n." You took a bite that was mostly strawberry sauce than actual pancake.

"Why are you here?"

"Heart condition. You?"

"My growth is stunted."

"Oh. Is that why you're so small?"

He nodded, a small smile gracing his face. You thought he looked cute.

"How old are you?" You asked.

"Almost 12. But I'm the size of a 7 year old." He pouted slightly, not touching his bowl of fruit.

"I'll turn 11 next month..." You echoed, "I'm short too, so don't feel bad about it... And the nurses here are really nice. I'm sure they'll get you to grow up tall." You encouraged, giving him a big smile.

"Is your heart condition serious?" He asked after some silence.

"My parents and the nurses say that I'll be fine, but they always have conversations I can't hear." You explained.

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