Chapter Nineteen: Baby Steps.

Start from the beginning

On the thirty-first day, Harry, Ron, and Hermione visited me. They said I looked better. Hermione complained about exams. Harry complained about Quidditch. Ron complained about them complaining. I almost felt normal, whatever that meant. I was glad to have seen them. They said they weren't allowed in before, in case they triggered me.

On the thirty-fifth day, I was physically better. I felt better than I had in months (in ever, really). They said any side-effects of the poison had worn off. I had cinnamon toast for breakfast. Madam Pomfrey was inundated with so many patients that she asked me for help. I helped a sixth-year Ravenclaw girl re-grow the bones in her leg. She'd broken during a dare, and her friend had tried to heal it, but removed the bones instead. The girls talked to me throughout lunchtime and we shared a plate of cheese and crackers.

The whole ward was full of patients overnight. Seamus Finnigan, a Gryffindor in my year, had blown up his bed (again, they said). Ruby Pentrose was regrowing her bones. Allison Mills had thrown her back out while trying to steal Snape's cauldron. Richard Cosgrove had been hit in the back of the head by a bludger during Ravenclaw's Quidditch practice. Michael Albom had a bad bite on his leg, which was unmistakably from a large dog (he denied it, of course). Karen Rowell had been hexed badly by someone she called her 'arch nemisis'. Jimmy was back, with two broken wrists, from hitting Draco, apparently. I wished he hadn't told me.

Professor Dumbledore arrived and read to all of us before bed, whilst we drank hot cocoa. It was a tale about three brothers, two of whom met terrible fates, but one lived a long and happy life. I wondered if I was the one with the terrible fate, or if it were Draco.

On the fortieth day, I was released. I was escorted to my dormitory by Annabeth Pike, the head girl.

"This is a nice coincidence!" she kept saying, but the more she said it, the more I felt as though she'd been asked to babysit me. When we were safely inside the girls' dormitory she said, "They told me to escort you. They told me to not let you know I was doing it on orders. But I hate lying to people, it's shitty. I'm glad you're okay now – and I hope your brain is okay, too." She fell silent. We were halfway up to my room when she started talking again.

"Gryffindor was really upset by the whole thing – not that it's your fault. Merlin, don't think I'm blaming you. I mean, it's just changed everything, for the better. I wouldn't say anything if it changed for the worse. We're starting up a counselling service, and a student reach-out program. We don't want anyone to feel like you did (or do?) ever again. We all want to help.

"And a lot of people have been through the hospital wing lately – it's that time of year, everyone gets rowdy – and the people that you spoke to, they remember you. They think you're lovely. We all think it's fucking awful that someone as sweet as you could be hurting. Sorry. You probably don't want to talk about this – or do you? I don't know.

"I'm sorry I talk so much I can't help it I just get distracted and confused and I just ––"

I heard her distress and did something I had never done before. I cut her off. "It's okay."

She promptly burst into tears. I panicked and also began to cry. She pulled me into a hug that was much too tight for my liking, sobbed on my shoulder and told me I was lovely. I had wanted a shower, but not to be showered in the tears of Annabeth Pike.

"Oh my god, Willow, I am so sorry." She released me, wiped her face, and continued to walk up the stairs with me. "I'm really stressed about my N.E.W.T.S. and I've got my period and I'm just literally crying at everything and you're so sweet. Fuck, I am so sorry."

She left me at my room, looking heartily embarrassed, but I didn't want to laugh at her. On the contrary, I was worried about her.

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