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It was an average day on the Citadel. The Citadel had just wrapped up another meeting with the Volus ambassador, who, like almost every year previously, had been trying to manoeuvre their species a council seat on the ground that they practically Built the galactic economy.

Tevos was on the mind that they should allow it, Knowing the species had easily done as much, if not more so than the Turians had, but her fellow Councillor wouldn't agree.

Valern was somewhat in over of it, but he could already see where problems would arise when it comes to voting, as they would be an even number of Councilors, meaning votes could get easily stalled just because two of the four didn't entirely agree

Sparatus was of the same mind, not to mention that if the Volus were to even separate from the Hierarchy, they might need to dismantle a large section of the peacekeeping force and redirect the labour to other areas, which would seriously damage the extent of peacekeeping forces and allow more crime to go unchecked.

"We can't keep holding them off forever, we need to discuss elevating another species," Tevos said as they all sat in a private room that connected their three apartments. Living like this made it far easier for C-sec and the spectres to guard them, as there was only one entrance.

"If we elevate them, then we'll need to either make adjustments to the treaty of Farixen, or maybe even scrap the thing entirely. Our border would be safe from Terminus. Yes, but the lack of forces would cause far too much freedom inside our borders." Sparatus said.

"Why don't we elevate the Elcor?" Valern suggests as he took a sip of his tea, "Their heavy metal production is vital for all ships, so granting them more worlds for mining and such would increase the capability of all people's militaries to build more ships."

"But the Elcor haven't done anything particularly special to warrant a council seat, which could cause trouble with the other races, not to mention they've even expressed they don't want to be on the council," Sparatus said, unknowingly saying what Tevos was about to.

Tevos, meanwhile, internally sighed as they debated, remembering how this same thing had gone with various Turian and Salarian councillors again and again, something the side switching, but neither ever fully agreeing, "Honestly, I just wish something would break the monotony," she thought, before everything went white.


30 minutes earlier...

Garrus Vakarian was having quite a day. It started with him meeting up with Wrex in Zakera. The infamous Krogan had noticed him as he making his patrols through some of the nastier districts and decided to tag, not that Garrus was going to complain, as people tended to listen to you better when there was a literal, haft-ton murder lizard with a shotgun powerful enough to blow a person-sized hole in the side of the ship.

"Then, there was this time that some Asari thought it would be a good idea to blend Gynecol with one of those fruity, element zero drinks. One hospital trip, a stomach pump, and a liver transplant later, I thought she'd be fine. Until she for another." Garrus said as he was telling Wrexham about the one thing they both bonded over, making fun of stupid people.

As a cop, Garrus had seen, met, and arrested plenty, and as a merc, Wrex has done the same, though not as many tend to walk away from the encounter as they do with Garrus. Currently, Wrex was chuckling, "You know, that actually doesn't sound like such a bad idea. I might try that next time."

Garrus stopped at that, before turning to his friends, "Can Krogan even drink Eezo? I know you're a biotic, but will it be drinkable and boost your biotic, or poison you?" He asked.

Wrex thought about it before shrugging, "Don't know, want to find out? He asked.

That question landed them in Mordin Souls' clinic 15 minutes later, as Garrus had been worried, who was currently looking over Wrex's vitals.

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