Chapter 18

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A/n- listen to here with me, best mood for this fr.


It takes a really long time. We did have to take the ferry but still. It takes even longer considering the fact of what I'm about to do. My heart is racing and I'm terrified. I've never done anything like this before. We pull up to a small house and I jump out of the car and run up to the door, knocking loudly. A woman opens the door.

"Hello, is y/n Cameron here?" I ask urgently.

"How do you know her?" the woman asks.

"She's my best friend, please I need to-"

"JJ?" y/n says. I look around the woman.

"Y/n!" I scream. She comes running to me and jumps into my arms. Tears stream down my cheeks. I gently put her down.

"JJ what are you doing here?" she asks, her face soaked with tears yet a massive smile covering her face.

"It doesn't matter y/n." I say. "All that matters is that I'm here, with you." I say. I take her hands in mine. "Y/n, I love you." I say.

"You're my best friend, of course I love you. You're like a brother to me." she says.

"No y/n, like, I love you." I say. "I fucking love you so much! I get it if you don't love me in that way but I love you, so much. Since the moment we started talking as friends I have loved you. I never let myself believe that you were anything more than a friend, but I know that was a lie. Y/n I'm not the smartest, but I do know one thing. I love you y/n Cameron." I say.

"JJ I-" she says.

"I'm sorry." I say, withdrawing myself.

"No JJ, I love you. I love you so much JJ. That's why it hurt so much more than it needed to, to not see you. It's because I love you, more than anything. You drive me crazy but I love you. I love you so much JJ Maybank." she says. My smile occurs and hers grows. I kiss her slowly and gently.

This is what I was missing. My best friend, my other half, my love. She pulls away and hugs me tighter than ever before. I don't hesitate in doing the same. I have told myself that y/n is my enemy and then that she's my friend, then my best friend, and now I am not going to tell myself anything except that I love her.

Y/n's POV:

His words are so touching. JJ always knows how to give me butterflies. I don't think he realizes he's giving them to me, but he is.

"I love you." I whisper as we hug each other. I never wanna let him go. JJ pulls away. I look around, realizing we have a crowd. All our friends are looking at us in awe and so is Aunt Lisa. I want to say hi to everyone else but as soon as my eyes make their way back to my man, they don't leave.

I had planned on staying here this weekend but I don't wanna miss out on any more time with JJ. We've already missed a week.

"You guys." Sarah says, tears slowly falling down her cheeks. She runs up to me and wraps her arms around me. John B, Kie, and Pope all run up to us and we all have a big group hug.

"I love you guys." I say, still crying. We all laugh a little before letting each other go. I turn to Aunt Lisa.

"Go." she says, smiling. I give her a big hug before running inside to grab my things. I quickly grab them before running back out to the others.

"Thank you for having me." I say as we all get in the car to go home. JJ and I sit next to each other. I rest my head on his shoulder and everyone in the car goes aw. 

"Shush." JJ says. I giggle. 

"Aw my love, thank you." I whisper.

"Awww." they all say.

"Shut up." JJ says. He places a gentle kiss on my hair before resting his head on mine. "Don't!" he says and we all laugh.



I know they just thought we were cute but it felt like they were making fun of me and that's what pissed me off. I'm so glad I did that though. Now she's all mine. She slept the entire way back. I'll ask her about that later.

Sarah dropped John B, Pope, and Kie at the Chateau. I'm staying at Tannyhill tonight. No way I'm leaving my girl.

"Y/n, wake up. We're home." I whisper, gently nudging her. I watch as she rubs her eyes before opening them and looking into mine. "How was your sleep cupcake?" I ask.

"Really good." she says, smirking. We both giggle before getting out of the car. I grab y/n's bag from the back of the car and carry it to her room for her. "I'm hungry." she groans.

"Let's go eat then my love." I say.

"Maybe later you can give me some dessert." she says. I turn around to see a smirking y/n. 

"As long as you're a good girl." I say.

"EW YOU GUYS ARE DISGUSTING!" Sarah yells. Y/n and I burst out laughing.

"Let's go mama." I say, taking y/n's hand and leading her downstairs. As soon as we walk in the kitchen we see Rose.

"Y/n why are you always with your friend JJ and not your boyfriend Topper?" she asks. Y/n giggles.

"Topper is not my boyfriend." she says.

"But he asked you at that party did he not?" she asks,

"Well yeah he asked me but then we were only dating for an hour before I told him I was only dating him because I felt bad for him." y/n says.

"Oh. So then why's JJ always over?" Rose asks.

"Well JJ's my best friend and as of today, he's my boyfriend." y/n says proudly. I don't know why she'd be proud to date me after she was dating Topper. He's a massive kook. Then there's me, a massive pogue. How could anyone be proud of dating me? 

I let go of her hand, ashamed. Feeling like she feels trapped. She looks at me with curious eyes.

"What's wrong?" she mouths. I pull her into the living room.

"I'm embarrassed and I feel like you feel like you're forced to be with me." I say.

"No my love. I love you more than life ok. Don't you dare be embarrassed." she says. I place a soft kiss on her lips.

"Thanks mama." I say.


Y/n's POV:

The dinner was really good. JJ and I head up to my room. I grab some comfy shorts and put them on.

"GIVE ME YOUR SHIRT NOW." I say in a threatening tone.

"On it baby." he says, taking his shirt off and handing it to me. I take off my shirt and bra and slip JJ's shirt on. "Fuck." he murmers.

"All good?" I ask. He's staring at me. He has been since I walked out of my closet.

"Has anyone ever told you how gorgeous your body is?" he asks, a sly smile playing across his perfect face.

"It's all yours." I say smirking. JJ locks the door before walking over to me.

Forbidden Love -JJ Maybank  x  y/n CameronWhere stories live. Discover now