Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

The next day, I'm still sick as expected. Again, as expected, JJ comes over, giving me more chocolate and another card. This boy's clearly tryna make me fat. Nah jokes. Today, his card reads:

Dear y/n,

I miss you out there and I really hope you're feeling better like tomorrow so we can hang outttt. Love you mama.

JJ, Jayj, Jay, Papa J, Pretty boy.

He's so sweet. While he's in the bathroom, Topper messages.

'I heard you're sick, can I come say hi?' I don't know. Eh, why not?

'Yeah sure.' I say, forgetting that JJ's here for a second. He comes back in.

"Are you feeling any better mama?" he asks.

"No. Better than yesterday, yes cause I can talk today." I giggle. He smiles at me.


"Ok, ok. See you tomorrow y/n!" he says.

"Oh no you won't!" Sarah says. JJ winks at me before Sarah quite literally grabs him and throws him out.


I want y/n to get better. I wanted to hang out with her before we had to go to school. Oh shit. Is she gonna go to Sarah's school? She better not. I make my way to the door as I see, Topper?

"Hey there JJ." he says, walking in.

"Hold on Topper." I say and he stops, "What are you here for?" I ask.

"Y/n invited me to see her." he says and heads up to her room. No wonder they wanted me to go. She wanted to bring Topper over. She's probably faking this whole sickness to get closer to Topper. Fuck this. I hop on my bike and head to John B's.

"Woah JJ, weren't you just with y/n?" he asks.

"Yeah why?" I ask.

"Then if you were hanging out with your favorite person, why do you look so angry?" he asks.

"She kicked me out to bring Topper in!" I yell.

"Oo, that's bitchy of her." he says,

"You're telling me." I say.

"Are you gonna go back tomorrow?" he asks.

"What do you think JB? Of course I am. Fuck no!" I shout. I brush past him and storm inside.

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n, JJ just left and he seemed kinda mad, did you guys get in a fight?" Topper asks.

"No, everything's fine. He's probably just mad cause Sarah kicked him out." I say. Shit. Does JJ not like me? Fuck I don't want a one-sided friendship for fucksake.

"Ok." he says, "How are you feeling?" he asks.

"I'm a lot better than yesterday." I say.

"JJ, that better not be you!" Sarah shouts.

"It's me Sarah." Topper says.

"Well you shouldn't be here either, now go." Sarah says and Topper rolls his eyes.

"Get better soon." he says as he leaves. Sarah shakes her head in disapproval before closing my bedroom door and leaving me to rest. I decide to just take a nap. I am pretty tired.


"I don't understand why y/n would do that." Pope says.

"Me either dog." I say. I've been pacing around the porch ever since Pope got here.

Forbidden Love -JJ Maybank  x  y/n CameronWhere stories live. Discover now