No control

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Niall's P.O.V

I walked into school later than usual, I wasn't late for class or anything but just later than I usually get here.

Zayn had actually arrived before me, which was just perfect ugh, he knows I left before him with Zach, so yay I get to be interrogated.

Maybe not, if I just slip away from him without him noticing, I slipped my hood up and walked towards my locker, normally.

I yanked it open, grabbed my books and walked on, normally.

I was thankful that I got to first class but what I didn't consider was that it was Art and who else does Art? Zayn.

I think, he usually sits at the front since its his favourite class, so I decided to sit in the very corner at the back, keeping my hood up.

A few minutes later someone sat beside me, I couldn't look, What if its Zayn?

''Hey Niall,'' oh phew its just Perrie, she's really nice.

''Heya,'' I reply,

''Whats up?'' She asked, I raise one of my eyebrows,

''You don't want to know and you also don't want to talk to me, ya know why, I ain't gonna say it,'' I slightly let my irish accent show and she giggled. GIGGLED? AT ME? WOW.

''I like you Niall, so I do want to talk to you, I don't care if your gay, I am aswell, and by the way I love your accent its so nice and just beautiful to listen to,'' she carried on.

My jaw hit the floor, okay first of all she said a whole bunch of nice things there to me, about me, wow, and second she's a lesbian? wow unexpected, she's popular here so I am sort of surprised.

I know this is a bit stereotypical or prejudice whatever but I thought she would be homophobic, like Ian, OH MY GOD. Ian fancies her too, he's been trying to get her since he saw her.

I'll make sure he doesn't find out about her being gay, incase he uh acts upon it.

I smiled brightly at Perrie and we had a long conversation during the class, we got to know each other more and everything.

She offered to walk to next class with me but I didn't want Ian to see her walking with me so I declined politely.

We also swapped numbers before we went separate ways, and I'm so happy now.

I almost skipped to next class but I was stopped by Ian and Paul, great.

''Hey, Horan,'' Ian smirked, Paul said nothing.

I sighed,,

''What do you want?''

I was surprised he didn't hit me to be honest,

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