Grell touched your hair, causing you to flinch. "We are most definitely real. And darling, you're next on the list."

Tears swelled up in your eyes. You didn't want to believe them. You wanted grim reapers to just stay a fairy tale, but you didn't know what it was that made you believe them. It was William. That's it. Will The Reaper... So it wasn't a fairy tale after all. You looked at a shivering Grell. "Are you allowed to tell me when I die?" You asked. Grell bit his lip. "December 17th."

Your eyes widened. Two days. You choked back a sob. You had two days to live. You refused to cry though. You weren't going to spend your last two days moping. You forced a smile.

"Alright. Would you like to come to my house for some tea?" You had asked.

The two reapers looked at each other. Grell with hope, and William with curiosity.

Finally William nodded. "Yes I suppose that will be fine. Thank you."

You walked to your house with the two men trailing behind. Grell was playing with your hair the whole time and you did your best to ignore it but his touch sent shivers up your spine. When Grell touched you, he twitched every few seconds, as if he was holding back from something. An annoyed aura surrounded you that you knew was from William. Finally reaching your house, you unlocked the door and tossed the book on your table. "You guys can just sit down, and I'll make you some tea." You told the Shinigami and ran to the kitchen. You pulled two glass teacups from the cabinets, and poured water into them. At this time you heard them talking and couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"She seems nice, huh, Willy?"

"Let's just finish our job and go home."

"Aww. You always do this! Why can't we stay just a little longer?"

"You and I both have paperwork to do Grell. Do what you want, but I'm going to do my job."

You gulped and placed the tea bags in the cups, placed them on saucers, and brought them out. "Here." You handed each reaper a saucer.

Nightfall came and you looked out the window. Soft flakes fell from the sky. Grell sat on your couch, shivering violently while William was fast asleep in your lounge chair. You sat up and handed the redhead a blanket, but as you went to walk away, he grabbed you arm. "I'm still cold, (y/n). Sit with me, will you darling?"

You nodded, and sat beside Grell. He pulled you into his lap, and nuzzled your cheek. Your face flushed, and you were at a loss of words. He nipped at your earlobe then whispered. "(Y/n)? Do you love me?"

You gulped. "But we just met."

The reaper snickered. "Yea. But I know that I love you."

Your mouth fell open slightly and Grell took the opportunity to kiss you roughly. His razor teeth nipped your lips carefully so he wouldn't hurt you, and his tongue explored your mouth until you were sure he had mapped everything out in his head. Finally he pulled away and you gasped for air. "(Y/n)... I don't want you to die." Grell took one of your hands and rubbed your palm with his fingers.

You gulped. "I don't want to die either..."

The next morning you spent all day writing, and only got up to make the Shinigami food as they lounged around the house. You dozed off at around Chapter 6. You wanted to finish it before you died. But once you fell asleep, it was already morning, and you knew it was too late. You scribbled another two or three chapters and ran outside at 2'pm.

The two reapers followed stealthily behind you. Your death was in the back of your mind as you ran to the bookstore. You crossed the street that you usually went by and made a turn. Then it happened. You saw a flash of red as a carriage rammed right into your body, and you flew back. The papers fell from your hands. You gasped for air, and there was only one thing on your mind right now."Grell..."

You whispered. Your vision was blurry, but you knew the redhead knelt beside you. You drew in some painful breaths as you barely saw him pull out a chainsaw. You put your hand to his cheek, and felt it was moist with tears.

"D-Don't leave me... Not until I pass. Please."

You muttered. Grell leaned close to your ear. "I won't. (Y/n)? Tell me. Are you afraid?"

It was said that after someone's heart stopped, their minds still worked for 13 minutes.


Afraid? Yes. I am afraid. But not of death. I don't want to leave them.


Was my life worth it, Grell? Did I live it happily? Would there be anything I wanted to change?


No. I'm happy with how it turned out. Though my heart stopped, I still tried to seek Grell. There he was. He sat beside me and ran his fingers through my hair.


A tear rolled down my cheek. Maybe there is something I wish I could change. I wish I had more time with you.


"Grell..." You forced out your last words.

The reaper looked down at you and hoped you would say something else, but no matter how much you tried, nothing would come out.


Your whole body went numb as you felt your life slipping away.


" It's time." you thought.

Grell gulped a hard breath, and began to absorb your life.


You could see it. A roll of film coming out of your body. You watched your whole life right before your eyes.


Your glossy eyes locked onto your very own soul.


Is that mine?


Yes. I'm glad you're the one who took it Grell. Good job.


Guess it's time time for me to go.


You life came crashing to a halt, and everything went black.

You opened your eyes and glanced around. You sat in a small chair in you tenement. You looked out your window to see nothing but a shining light that surrounded you. On your desk was a pile of blank papers and a single pencil. Your memories flooded back like the water of a broken dam, and you began writing. You wrote for hours upon hours. Just letting your thoughts fly onto paper. Finally you dropped the utencil and looked over your work. "Yea. That's how it all happened. The story of Grell the death god. A human and an immortal love story. I'll be waiting, Grell. I'll wait for you."

The Redheaded ReaperWhere stories live. Discover now