𝟏𝟔. staring at the sky

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Everyone stood watching the two of you, they were surprised at how you were handling the situation, they had never seen you in this light before.

Pieck's expression shifted to one of surprise, clearly taken aback by your assertiveness. Her knuckles whitened as she struggled to maintain her composure.

"You're such a—" she began, but you quickly interrupted her, "Save your fucking bullshit."

That was the moment she lost control, her composure shattering entirely. With a sudden burst of aggression, she lunged at you, catching you off guard as she tackled you to the ground. Shocked gasps echoed around the room as she unleashed a series of punches to your face.

Eren and Jean reacted swiftly, attempting to pry her off you. Despite their efforts, she managed to land a few more blows before they finally managed to pull her away, leaving you shaken and bruised from the unexpected assault.

As Pieck was pulled away, her chest heaving with anger and frustration, a tense silence filled the room. You struggled to sit up, wiping away the blood from your split lip, your face throbbing from the impact of her punches. Sasha and Mikasa ran over to you, helping you sit up as you felt your nose that was oozing blood. Jean tells Connie and Eren to take Pieck away from the living room, Armin rushes over to Jean and tells him he has to call the police. Jean let out a sigh and agreed, he didn't want to but it had to be done.

Sasha and Mikasa sat on either side of you, their arms wrapped tightly around your back, providing you with the support you need to remain upright. You felt a throbbing pain in your head, and it seemed like everything around you had suddenly gone quiet, with voices merging into an indistinct blur. You could faintly hear Sasha and Mikasa talking to you but you couldn't quite make out their words.

"Are you okay?" Jean asked, kneeling in front of you, his eyes filled with genuine concern. You slowly nodded, taking a shaky breath as you tried to regain your composure.

Pieck glared at you from across the room as she was pulled away, her face flushed with anger and humiliation. The realization of what she had done slowly sank in, but her pride prevented her from showing any remorse.

The party atmosphere had been shattered, replaced by a palpable sense of unease and discord. The night's events had taken an unexpected turn, leaving everyone grappling with the aftermath of the confrontation.

"Jean, she needs medical attention," Mikasa stated calmly, her eyes focused on your injuries. Sasha, on the other hand, was on the verge of tears, visibly distressed by the sight of blood staining your clothes.

"I'll take her to the emergency room. You guys stay here and keep everyone calm," Jean asserted, assuming control of the situation. "Mikasa, make sure everyone doesn't do anything rash. Armin is calling the police."

Jean turned his attention to Sasha, attempting to offer her comfort. "Sasha, don't worry. Go check on Connie. I'll make sure she gets home safely, okay?" He gently squeezed her arm in reassurance.

Sasha nodded, her eyes still filled with concern, before she and Mikasa headed towards the kitchen to the others. Jean swiftly rose to his feet, grabbing a handful of tissues for you. "Hold this against your nose, alright?" he said gently, noticing the tears forming in your eyes.

You nodded, your hands trembling as you pressed the wad of tissue to your nose. The sight of blood always made you feel queasy, and you struggled to keep yourself from feeling lightheaded.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝟏𝟖, Jean Kirstein.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora