Tinkering, bickering and spideying

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At the crack of dawn, bickering could already be heard in the penthouse, high up the stark tower.

"Tony, you said you would."

"Yeah, but pep, did you really think I'd be interested in teaching some gross brats?"

"Tony, it's not about what you are interested in. You're doing this."


"Don't 'Pep' me. You will go down to the summer intern labs at 10 AM, period."

Pepper didn't give Tony a chance to say anything back, leaving the living room with a slam of the door. Tony sighed, running his hands over his face before going to pour himself his 3rd cup of coffee this morning.

He didn't really hate teens, but he didn't love them. He wasn't in the mood to have some stupid teens asking him stupid questions about their stupid projects in those stupid labs.

Did he mention he thought it was stupid?


23 floors below, Peter was having early breakfast with his group to brainstorm about some ideas. He put the plate stacked with toast, pancakes and cereal down carefully as he sat down next to Damian.

They took turns talking about their ideas and discussing them critically, and in the end the ideas to make a teleportation device, a nano mask or a fully functioning robot stuck. The robot would probably be hardest, they would have to make an advanced AI to put in it, make an advanced body and think of thousands of commands, so that idea was quickly off the table.

Now, a nano mask already exists, but they planned on making it even more realistic and make a build in scanner so that you don't need a piece of DNA to mimic someone's face. The teleportation device was also a good option, but it got shoved of the table quickly after they heard that it was already done by another group.

So they decided on the nano mask. All the deciding and brainstorming took a while, so they were only heading up to the labs at 8:47 AM. And they only got to work at 9:12 AM because they were amazed by the labs and just had to look around.

But now they finally got to work. Wendy came up with the idea to let everyone work for themselves first, to make a design and maybe even a simple prototype and when they were done they would compare, work out any flaws and get to work on the real thing.

Peter was quickly done with the design, his brain coming up with all sorts of ideas quickly, and he got to work on the prototype.


Meanwhile, Tony shoved a pair of colored sunglasses on his nose as he stepped into the elevator. When he arrived 22 floors down, he was met with loud noises of chatter, machines and.. birds? Tony quirked up an eyebrow at two birds sitting in a big cage on a desk. They looked healthy and taken care of, so Tony decided to say nothing about it. He didn't want to anyway. He made his way further into the lab, his Armani suit contrasting against all the white SI lab coats.

The chattering fell silent, except for a few oblivious to his presence. Tony smirked at the attention. This wasn't so bad.

And then some cocky brats began approaching, apparently thinking they could score an internship or something. Okay, so it was bad.

Luckily, he could brush them off with a simple 'shoo' quickly. "If anyone has any actual, advanced questions, I'm here I guess." Immediately a few began approaching. Luckily, they weren't cocky this time. He decided to help some girl named Penelope first, and she led him to her desk.

She showed him some pretty good designs on a nano mask, and he give some critical advice, but he wasn't mean about it! Ask friday.

Meanwhile, Peter was slowly backing away. His desk was across from Penelope's, and when he came back from grabbing some supplies, suddenly Tony was there. Tony looked up, but Peter could turn before he saw him.

He let out a breath, deciding to watch from a distance until Tony left. He certainly did not want some awkward encounter with his father after the incident from a few months ago.

After a while, Tony left, and Peter quickly got back to his desk. He still flicked his gaze toward Tony occasionally, but the man didn't look like he was planning on heading back his way any time soon.

Penelope went on babbling about how amazing Tony had been, and Peter had to hide his eye roll by ducking his head.


Later, after an amazing day of tinkering, eating some delicious lunch and dinner and chatting with his classmates, Peter undressed quickly, but not to step in his pajamas.

His spidersuit snapped onto his body, he clicked on his webshooters and he slipped his mask on as he swung out of the window.

Yeah, he had been right. It was amazing to swing in New York. The high rises were perfect to latch his webs on, and the amount of alleys where small time muggings were happening was amazing. (Not amazing, but amazing that he could actually be doing something.)

Meanwhile in the Stark Tower, in the penthouse, Tony quirked up an eyebrow at the TV.

"-e vigilante 'Spider-Man' from Michigan spotted in New York this evening. The vigilan-"

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