A never written will

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Tony Stark had a son. A son he'd spent 9 years with before he'd decided to send him to a boarding school in Michigan. Peter was a great kid. At least, that's what Tony remembered, it had been almost 6 years by now.

From what he remembered, Peter had big brown eyes, a slightly crooked nose, short brown curls, or waves, whatever you like to call them. But overall, a cute kid. He'd been smart for his age, talkative and naive, but smart. 

Why Tony had send him away? Maybe it was because of the lack of a mother, maybe he'd been too busy, maybe the responsibilities were too much, Tony doesn't really remember. Hell, he doesn't remember anything about the kid.

If he regretted it? Not really. The kid would probably be better off without him anyway.


Far away, somewhere in Michigan, in a way too strict and fancy boarding school, Peter Parker(-Stark) lay in his bed, waiting for the director to leave so that he could put on his suit and swing out the window.

Peter, now 14, almost 15, had been bitten by a radioactive spider a few weeks ago. He'd quickly designed a web formula that could hold his own weight, and devices that he could shoot the substance out of. 

Making the suit was harder. He had to save up his money for a long time so that he could buy fabric and parts in the city on his free day. Making the suit had been a long progress, with having to hide it from everyone and having little to no alone time. 

But it was finally done now. And as he slipped the mask on and the lenses opened, he couldn't help but think about what his dad was doing right now. Looking out over the bright lights from Michigan made him think about New York, where his dad lived. His dad that wanted nothing to do with him, he quickly reminded himself.

His super hearing picked up an ear piercing scream and for the first time since he got his powers, he could do something about it.


A couple months later, and Peter was now 15 and at the Stark tower? Yeah, shit went down.

So his father went ahead and got himself kidnapped, and being the irresponsible shit he is, he never wrote a will, so Peter had to come to New York because he was Tony's last living relative. Peter was sure that Tony would've wanted Pepper or Rhodey to get everything, but because he didn't write a will, Peter was automatically the first option.

So here he was, sitting in the tower's lobby, hoping his dad was still alive, because god he was not taking over his dad's crap.

Peter looked around, taking in the large, empty halls and the big lamps hanging from the ceiling. It was so quiet in the tower Peter was sure he would've went insane if there wasn't noise outside.

After about 7 minutes, the elevator doors opened and Peter's head swung up at the sudden noise. A woman wearing a simple, professional suit stepped out. Her strawberry blonde hair swung in a ponytail, and her pink colored lips quirked up sadly but friendly at Peter.

Peter suddenly felt out of place, sitting there in simple jeans, a white shirt and a lose blue flannel jacket. The woman, whom Peter assumed was Pepper Potts now stood before him, reaching out a hand.

Peter quickly stood and shook her hand. "Hi, I'm Pepper Potts, are you Peter?" Peter nodded quickly. "Yes, I'm Peter." He answered, reminding himself quickly that he wasn't with his friends right now as he straightened his posture.

"Alright, please follow me." Peter nodded  and followed Pepper into an elevator, which lead them to the penthouse.

He could tell Pepper was tense, and he understood. He was her missing boyfriend's son that no one really knew about. Hell, maybe Pepper didn't even know about him until now. 

The elevator doors opened, to reveal a huge floor where two men stood waiting for them. One of them stepped forward as they stepped out of the elevator. "Hi Peter, I'm Rhodey, it's good to see you again. You've grown quite a bit." Peter had already expected colonel Rhodes to already have met him as a child, with him being Tony's best friend and all. 

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, sir." The other man stepped forward too. "I'm Happy, good to meet you kid." The man grumbled, seeming not so happy. "You too, sir." Peter responded quietly. He felt so out of place in his dad's house, with people he didn't know that were missing his dad. God, his dad didn't even want him, and now here he was, bothering some mourning people.

"Friday? Could you show Peter to the guest room?" Pepper asked, looking at nothing in particular. A female voice suddenly responded, which made Peter jump a bit. "Certainly, ms. Potts. Hello, Peter, I am friday, mr. Stark's personal AI system. If you could please follow the arrows on the ground." The voice spoke, and suddenly a few panels in the ceiling got replaced by lamps, projecting arrow shaped figures on the ground. 

"Uhm, okay. Goodbye, ms. Potts, mr. Happy, colonel Rhodes. It was good to meet you." Peter slung his bag over his shoulder and followed the arrows, getting the feeling he was in an Ikea. 

Arriving at the guest room, Peter threw his bag on the ground and threw himself on the soft bed, staring at the ceiling. He knew no one wanted him here, and he could only hope his father would come back soon.

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