Chapter 5

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•·.·A couple hours later, Red Velvet's POV·.·•

(btw im trying to make my writing a bit better. there might be some noticeable changes? idk tho)

After a while, Espresso decided to do some lab work. They promised not to overwork, but that probably isn't true.

When they left, I looked at the floor and just thought about life.

'A month of them treating me like I've done no wrong in my whole life. They've just cared for me, and we've just been there for each other. But I've done absolutely nothing to deserve it.. Why do they love me so much. All I did was just come back after betraying them YEARS before'

Then I got a flashback.



I jumped a bit. I have never heard them talk in that tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked hesitantly while turning to Espresso.

I saw them narrow their eyes.

'Oh shit.. Do they know..'

Espresso turned away from me.

"I was in the forest so I could find a nice and relaxing place to practice something I was learning." They said.

Then they turned back to me with the same angry expression.

"Tell me why I heard someone fucking say 'I swear, Red Velvet better bring that young mage soon. There's no way he's this damn slow'. Tell me why they also sounded EXACTLY LIKE DARK ENCHANTRESS" They exclaimed

"Espresso, I can explain..!" I said, despite me not having a good explanation.

"WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN?? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PLANNING YOU FUCKING PIECE OF CAKE??" (bro went from saying this as an insult to using it as a nickname)

I had no words. Who could possibly have words in a situation like this?

Espresso sighed, and their expression went from angry to sad. I noticed that they were starting to sob.

"I have been mistreated left and right. I get shit from my parents, I get shit from kids at school who think they're better then everyone simply because they're SLIGHTLY more rich. Now, someone who I thought was my best friend HAS A WHOLE ASS PLAN TO DO SOMETHING TO ME." Espresso sobbed.

My heart sunk. 

'Well shit... Why the hell did I agree to this..'

It was silent for a bit. During the silence, I noticed that Espresso looked like they were reaching their breaking point.

"Red Velvet. You have 5 seconds to get the hell away from me before I FUCKING FRENCH FRY YOU." Espresso yelled while getting ready to attack

"Espresso please-" I started.


I panicked, and ran away as fast as I could. I couldn't risk them using magic. It's still incredibly unstable. 

Unfortunately, I came across Dark Enchantress when I ran far enough.

"Red Velvet. What are you running so fast for?" She asked in a somewhat stern tone.

"..Espresso knows now.." I murmured.

"Espresso WHAT?"

Dark Enchantress grumbled.


"I-I'm sorry, I-" I started

"JUST SHUT UP. You already know what this means."

Dark Enchantress grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the Cookies of Darkness lair.

•·.·End of flashback·.·•

I tried my hardest not to cry. Everyday I try to forget that moment. However, that always fails.

'Why'd I even have to betray them for some abusive and manipulative enchantress? I don't think she's even my real mom. She just gave me a cake arm'

'If only Espresso didn't start working. I need them right now... Actually, I don't think they care if I interrupt them'

I got up and walked to their lab.

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I was doing lab work when I heard a knock on the door. Luckily, I had already reached a good stopping point, so nothing could be ruined.

"Red, you can come in whenever. I don't care." I said.

"Oh." I heard Red Velvet say. 

Then he opened the door and walked to me.

"Es, are you sure you really forgive me for everything that happened in the past?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. Why?" I asked in a confused tone.

"It's just.. I keep thinking about everything. I hate how I fell for her tricks and just betrayed you like that.."

I got up and hugged him.

"You really should stop thinking about the past.. You changed. I know you did. You've been caring for me for so long" I reassured. 

"The past just won't leave me alone.." Red Velvet sighed

"Yeah, I understand that feeling. Our pasts both sucked."

"I just wish I could forget.."

I looked at Red Velvet with a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry for being all sad and stuff. I just need some comfort" Red Velvet murmured.

"I'll happily give it to you, Red. Let me just put away my stuff and I'll meet you on the couch" I smiled.

"..Are you sure? You said you really needed to get some work done."

"Honey. I can and will drop everything for your well-being. I worry about you. I care a lot about you. We're both in this together."

I noticed that Red Velvet started smiling.

"Now go wait for me on the couch. I need to put everything away." I said 

"Alright." Red Velvet smiled.

Then he walked away. After he walked away, I turned back to my desk and began cleaning up.


861 Words

a/n what if i told yall........

shit will be happening soon.. 🤭

(DISCONTINUED) Bittersweet (espresso x red velvet)Where stories live. Discover now