Just relax

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   Everyone sat on makeshift chairs and benches around the fire Emily had lighted minutes ago. It had been a long day of training and they were all tired from the countless technique and endurance exercises Jupiter had made them do. While Jupiter spoke to Joel about the days events and battle strategy, Agent b grabbed Emilys device which conjured up any food or drink that was asked of it and ordered three beers. He took one beer for himself and handed the others to Emily and Joel. Joel great fully accepted and took and long drink of his before opening Emilys and handing it to her. "Joel, you know I don't drink." Emily stated . Joel took another sip of his drink. "Yeah I know. But Em, weve all had a long loooong day, and I know your really anxoius right now, it might help you relax." Agent b nodded. "Joel's right, just relax for a second." The former CRU agent said. Emily let out a soft laugh. "Alright alright, but I'm only having one." Agent b looked up from what he was drawing and turned to Emily. "Wait you said you don't drink." Emily looked at him confused "yeah..." Agent b continued . "So at highschool parties and stuff, you never once drank?" Emily laughed . "Nope not once." Joel spoke up. "I didn't really know her when we were in school back on earth, but I knew three things about her, one: she turned down every guy that ever asked her out , two: She was hella smart  , and three: She almost never went to parties and when she did, she never drank. Emily looked at Joel stunned by his summery of her earth self and gave him a playful shove. Agent b turned to Emily, "You had self control I'll give you that." Emily took a sip of her beer. "Well I kinda had to, I was in all AP classes and had my sights set on Harvard, didn't have time for parties,relaxing and drinking." Agent b nodded to her. "Well you do now, maybe not now now because yknow were in the middle of damn war but after this is over yeah." Joel nodded . "Yeah guess I do." Emily replied.

I don't know what the hell this is, just love the dynamic between agent b , Joel , and Emily

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