Hold on for me

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Emily turned her head when she heard Pegasus whinny. She smiled softly at the old stallion and put down her hairbrush. "Hi pegs." She said stroking the stallions face. "Wanna go for a walk?" Emily knew the answer when Pegasus gave her a happy nicker. They walked out of her tent into the cool night. Emily slowed her pace so Pegasus could keep up with her. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and quickly wiped them away so they wouldn't fall and cause any damage. She was so sad for pegs, he could no longer fly due to the weapon made by the titans which had aged him along with all the other olympians. It's why they had to go back in time to the war.  The weapon was causing  him to grow weaker everyday. Pegasus sensed her sadness and nudged  her gently. "That damned weapon!" She cried her voice breaking. "I'm so mad. So mad about all of this. You wouldn't be in pain if it wasn't for that thing!" Pegasus stopped walking and put his face against hers, nickering softly. She couldn't understand him but somehow it made her feel better. Emily sighed. "Just hold on pegs, we're gonna make it. Just hold on, for me."

Again literally no one's reading this. I just love this series and can't stop writing even tho I'm not a writer  lmao. But if anyone does read this.... I should point out that these aren't in order so like in the last chapter Paelen had died already but the next chapters gonna be a sweet Emily-paelen-Stella-Joel-pegs moment so they kinda just skip around

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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