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"You know colonel that thing your keeping better not be stopping you from ending jake sully you hear" said a woman you were hearing from a distance she was using some type of suit it made her taller and more 'robotic' 

You were wondering what the thing that was holding them back was till it became apparent it was You... quaritch spoke up "yes i know and he's not keeping me from destroying the enemy ever since he left we haven't found out where he is as of current" "i see set up a meeting between me and that- whoever he is" the lady said

Quaritch looked in disappointment "Of Course ill let you meet Him" he said you turned and was walking back and seen lyle passed out on the ground with a bloody nose breathing heavily you don't know why but he was like this after the ride 

You grabbed hi and stood him up straight he was leaning on you for support you saw out of the blue Mansk who was not very happy who was coming to you as you flashed him a smile he then got his mood up he hen asked what happened to lyle 

With you responding he started his nosebleed from the first few seconds of the flight and after getting off fell unconscious with a smile Mansk obviously knew that he was close to you during the flight but even his ride didn't get him like this which made him get suspicious of lyle 

"Pretty boy I need you for a second" said Zdog with a smile you ended up pulling lyle to a close chair Zdog then walked up to you grabbing your arm "lets go I want to show you a site that i found" Mansk got made saying that " Me and him were talking you shouldn't interfere like that just because of some sight 

You could tell Zdog got upset she even pulled you closer saying "well my pretty boy deserves to be with a sight that's pretty might not be even close to how pretty he is but he should still see it" Mansk got made you could see it on his face 

(sorry for the short chapter it usually will be longer but not as of current [ Bye darling] )

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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