Head over heels

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So this is the place that they stay you think as you put your hand over your eyes to block the sun out you hear someone say "that's them the cutest Navi on Pandora no the universe" said some guy in glasses he then slowly started walking over till he came up to you

He then noticed the fact your hands over your eyes and took of his sunglasses and gave them to you you took them and looked at it until he took them back and put them on you you then started to take them off and put them back on until you heard a laugh from the man which made you blush a bit

He's then noticed the other eyes focusing on both you and him together one of them started to walk towards you she was the girl from earlier who was called zdog you could see in her eyes the obsession she had with you

She then lifted her arms out wide while walking towards you which turned out to be a hug a tight one her arms went right above your bum which was noticed by none other than Quaritch but he was proud with the time he had with you earlier regardless as he'll make more time with you later...

The guy with sunglasses introduced himself as
Mansk after he made zdog back away saying that he want to talk with you in private leaving you to near cupcake (Quaritchs ikran) but instead of staying still cupcake was forcing you to pet her and touch her like a baby who needed attention

Quaritch and everyone else saw it as well they wondered why it wasnt there ikran your petting instead bit Quaritch was just there happy with jealous stares from everyone else in the recom team he was okay with these stares though

Mansk was jealous but was able to mask it in front of you and had the idea to take you on a ride with his ikran himself it was the perfect idea as you love going on flights with your ikran and a companion

He didnt know how both of you were going to get on but you got on after him and placed his arm around your stomach just like how you did with Quaritch and his ikran he blushed especially since you have his sunglasses on top of your head

He then tells the ikran to take of through there bond but hes not holding you tight enough so you slip backwards making your back press against his chest as a result he reacts as grabbing your your stomach making you closer
Then before

To stop the tension he takes the glasses from your head and change it back to his face kinda disappointing cause you liked having his glasses on your head before you know it your in the air going slow but tilting slightly so you can see the place

He ask you some questions about pandora and how everything was when you were with the navi and not them you dont tell him that much but you do tell him everything thing fun about your life and your friend

just a flower? reader x recom squadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon