Out of control vegiemals

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"This is all my fault..if...I...I don't know any more" She said while crying "he left because of me!" She ran to her room, Turnip and the other vegiemals heard the conversation, in the dining room next to the kitchen, Turnip had a plan to make sure she survived the consequences that their about to do.

-10:00am in the morning- The vegiemals made kelp cakes for everyone, one kelp cake was for Tweak with a special surprise attack, Turnip gave each one a cake, and gave the last one to Tweak, what she didn't know is that it has hot sauce on it, she took a bite and then

"can someone bring me water now please!" She yelled, Kwasi gave a water bottle and she drank every last drop
"Gah! Thanks Kwasi" she said, Turnip and the other vegiemals laughing
(Their laugh sound ⬇️)

at her and left the room, everyone in surprised 😮 and shocked 😧, "uh what just happened?" Dashi asked, "why did they pull a prank on Tweak?" Peso asked, "this isn't like them" Inkling said, "that was unnecessary" Kwasi said, "I know we have to find out why they did this" CB said,

As the day went by, Tweak was being attacked by the vegiemals, they threw food at her, mess up her room, demolish her workshop, purposely misplace her tools, ruin her clothes, shoes, steal from her, pranking her, push her, tripping her, and more,
They still gave her food and drinks their not that cruel

Captain Barnacles and the others have tried everything to make them stop, but it was impossible without Shellington help they couldn't stop them or translate what they were saying, "oh I wish Shellington was here he would find a way to stop this" Kwasi said, "and translate what they were saying for us to understand" Peso said,

-2 weeks later- yes it went on for 2 weeks, until one night they found out the truth about why they behaved so badly to Tweak, it was late at night, CB and the others went to see the vegiemals in the garden to see if they were sleeping,

"Where are they?" Dashi asked, "I don't know we follow them" CB said, CB and the rest of the team followed them, they went into Shellington's room, the slept on his bed, "I miss Shellydo" Codish said, "WE MISS YOU SHELLYDO!!" They said in union, and they fell asleep crying quietly, and eventually slept,

"Poor little guys the Miss Shellington" Peso said, "Shellington loves them, and they love him as a dad" Kwasi said, "looks he left everything behind his octo-collar, magnifying glass 🔍, his water proof shackle, octo-watch, and hat behind" CB whispered, "and look most of his clothes are gone, so are his shoes, sock" Inkling said,

"I just checked the fridge some of the food is gone and a his water bottle is gone to" Dashi said, and they left the room so the Vegiemals can sleep,

"We need to find him, I know it's my fault he ran away, I wish I can take back what I said, I miss him to, it feels weird without him, I can't blame them
For being mad at me, we have to find him not just for us but for the vegiemals" Tweak said, "ok starting tomorrow at 9:00am we start searching for him now let get some sleep" CB said and they all went to bed,

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