Chapter 23: Close Enemies

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Incheon, South Korea: Wangsan Beach.


We've been on this part of the beach for some time, and at last, Yeonjun left my side to dive into the ocean. In the meantime, I rested on the towel and enjoyed the peaceful ambiance, not the sound of people, only the ocean waves and some seagulls. It was paradise. – As I looked at the horizon, I saw Yeonjun going out of the water, running to reach my side. Soon, while panting, he stood beside me and took a deep breath before looking at me.

—The water is excellent! You have to dive in, too – Yeonjun said before sitting next to me.

—I bet it is – I answered before looking at him, unsettled—. Yeonjun, why did you take me here? Why did we enter the cave?

Once Yeonjun heard my questions, he averted his glance and looked down—. Why are you asking?

—I'm only curious; it was so sudden – I mentioned before taking a deep breath, and then I grabbed Yeonjun's hand, causing him to stare back at me—. I know already; someone followed us. Am I right?

Immediately, Yeonjun held my hand tighter, and his expression turned into concern—. I didn't want you to worry; that's all! I trust you, but I thought it would be better if we ignored our problems while being here.

Yeonjun spoke quickly; I could barely grasp any of his words, causing me to chuckle. – I can tell he cares about me, and I'm grateful. – I smiled at Yeonjun and flipped his wet hair back.

—Believe me; I'm not upset – I assured Yeonjun, causing him to frown—. I'm grateful that you want to make this day memorable. So, thank you.

My compliment made Yeonjun look away and blush. He became shy while I continued to caress his wet hair, but suddenly he cleared his throat and composed himself.

—It'll be better if we go before nightfall.

I looked at the sky and realized it was getting late; the time flew fast, something I didn't often experience.

—Let's go then! – I said before standing up.

Yeonjun immediately packed everything inside the bag. Unexpectedly, he gave it to me, so I grabbed it while looking at him, confused. Briefly, with a mischievous smile, he jumped on my back and surrounded me with his arms. I held his legs while glancing at him while chuckling.

—Ready? – I asked him. Yeonjun nodded before I started walking away through the shore while looking at the scenery turning darker, and the waves began to lose strength.

Seoul, South Korea: Yeonjun's house.

Later the same day.

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