Ch 2 - A Tipsy Town

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"What the fuck is going on?" Katsuki seethed, looking around the cottage. "Stardew Valley is your dumb game. Is this some kind of sick joke you're pulling?"

"Wha-Me?" Ochako put a hand to her chest. "I'm stuck here, same as you. Why would I do this to myself?"

"You tell me," Katsuki said, crossing his arms.

"Why are you being such a jerk?" Ochako asked, turning on her heel to head outside. She stopped at a wooden chest. Inside lay a variety of tools needed to start their farming journey.

She started rifling through them.

"What're you doing?" Katsuki asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Look," she said. "Right before we were in that blinding light, the Switch rumbled on my bed."

He gave her a blank stare.

"I don't know what happened, but I think we're in the game. Like, really in the thing," she said, "So I'm gonna plant the dang seeds."

"You don't wanna look around more?" Katsuki asked. "Maybe there's something around here that can tell us how to get home. Out of this fucking nightmare of a place because we can't be in a dumb game."

"Be my guest," Ochako said. "But if I know anything from this game, it's that we'll need lots of money. So I'm starting now."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, but before he turned around, he said, "My quirk hasn't worked ever since we got here. Watch your fucking back."

Ochako stood, an old tilling hoe in her hands. She looked down at them, her pinkies slightly lifted out of habit. Carefully, she put them with the other fingers, touching the splintered wood beneath. Nothing.

She sighed. "Yeah, I tried a couple times now and it won't work for me either."


Katsuki couldn't fucking believe it. Out of all the people he could've been stuck with, he'd fucking land in this predicament with her.

He walked down a path heading east, his guard up as he walked along a rickety wooden fence. To his left was a bus parked on the side of a road. He looked around, noting he was alone, before walking over to it.

It wasn't like he hated Ochako or anything, plus she was a badass fighter, which always came in handy when backed into a corner.

She just...made his skin crawl and he couldn't understand it for the fucking life of him.

He shook his hands and then his head before getting back to the bus.

"Where's a freaking schedule?" Katsuki muttered to himself. This was the weirdest bus stop he'd ever seen. "And the hunk a junk looks busted anyway."

"'Cause it is."

Katsuki whipped around, watching a middle aged woman with curly blonde hair walk up the path. Actually, 'walk' wasn't the right word, maybe it was more of like a stumble.

It took all of a second for Katsuki to write her off as a non-threat.

"Is there a route to get us to Musutafu?" Katsuki asked, wanting to get right to the point.

She stopped a few feet away from him, but her body looked a little wobbly even though her legs weren't moving any more. "It can bring ya to the desert, but it's not up and running at the moment."

Katsuki gave her a glare when he smelled the booze on her breath. Who drinks at this time of the day?

"The fucking desert?" Katsuki said. "That's it? What kinda messed up route is that?"

The lady shrugged and flicked her wrist. "It's the only one we've got, so quit complaining."

Katsuki had no words come to his brain in that moment.

She stared him down. Albeit, a little wobbly.

"Who even are you?" she asked, squinting at him. "Never seen you here before."

He walked away, back down the path he'd been walking before this disaster of a side quest.

"I'm Pam," she said to the back of his head. "Ungrateful kid."

"Shut it, ya hag!" he said before trudging along the path. Bitch was mad, a waste of his time, so there was no point in arguing with her when she was clearly plastered.

He stepped into a town not too long after. A few buildings sprouted up here and there, and all of them looked a bit worn, but definitely not as bad as the cottage they'd apparently been gifted.

No one else was walking around, so Katsuki kept his guard up and traversed the paths. All the while, he swore there was some kinda stupid music playing around him. The shit was driving him mad, but he couldn't place where it was coming from.

"I'm just fucking asleep," he said, waiving his arms around his head as if it would make the music stop. "Time to wake up, shit head."

A reprieve came in the form of waves crashing against a sandy beach. A shack sat to his left, a man with luscious hair sat on a beach chair in front of it, sending a wink Katsuki's way.

Katsuki blanched before zoning in on the docks.

Which he ended up regretting anyway when he turned the corner in front of a run down fishing shop settled over the water.

"Who 'er ya?" an older man asked while sitting on a bench, staring at Katsuki. He stood on shaky legs before saying, "Come for my rod, have ya?"

"What?" Katsuki said, looking around in exasperation. "Keep your grimy rod to yourself, I don't want it." First a cranky drunk, now a drunk perv? What was wrong with this town??

"Of course ya do," he said, swaying on his feet as he approached Katsuki. "Everyone wants to get their hands on ol' Willy's rod."

"No, no." Katsuki tried waiving the guy off, but out of nowhere, he took out a fishing pole and shoved it into Katsuki's chest.

The shabby pole looked like it had years on it. Why was everything so beat up around here?

"I don't fucking fish," Katsuki said, trying to give the pole back. Although he was a bit relieved that it wasn't anything perverted.

"Oh, ye will," Willy said, stumbling into the shop. "And you'll hate it, what with that dumb green bar and whatnot, but it's all part o' the process."

It hadn't even been an hour and Katsuki was ready to explode. Oh wait, he couldn't because everything was fucking stupid in this god forsaken town. All he wanted was to get home, and the only thing here were wobbly weirdos. 



Lol it made me laugh about Katsuki judging everyone when here I am drinking a sangria as I write this chapter. xD

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