Glad to help

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(3rd Person POV)

Miss Pauling drove towards the red team base in a hurry. She had to leave soon for her vacation and had to find someone who could take her spot for her for the week. She parked the van she was currently driving and speed walked inside. She stopped when she saw Sniper. "Hey, Sniper. Where's scout at the moment? I really need to talk to him." The woman said hurriedly. Sniper raised an eyebrow then pointed to the kitchen. "He's in there why you need him mate?" Sniper asked. "Well it's a long story but thank you Mick!" The woman says while walking to the kitchen. When she walks in she sees the man grabbing a can of his favorite soda: Bonk.

"Heya Miss Paulin' whatcha need?" Scout said while closing the fridge and opening up his drink. Miss Pauling sighed getting ready to have to answer a load of questions. "Well Scout I'm gonna need a favor. I'm going out for the week on a trip. Now usually I only get one day off but the administrator is feeling extra nice and is giving me a week as long as I can find someone to be in my place. Now you're the person I thought could handle something like this and could do it well. Now my first thought was Spy but he would either prioritize either the games or the paperwork and hiding bodies.-"
All of a sudden she was interrupted.

"Wait you want someone who can't read or write. Well in english, to do paperwork?" Scout asked heavily confused. "Yes but not my point I just need you to assist the administrator for the week and do anything she asks you to. Simple as that." Miss Pauling explained. Scout nodded and took a sip of the Bonk. "Okay one question, do I have to wear purple 'cause if so then I'mma need to find a purple shirt. Or borrow one." Miss pauling immediately answered. "Don't worry I already planned ahead and got you some nice purple clothing to wear but one thing is you can't tell either of the teams about this job. And also you're still gonna have to do at least a few rounds a day." Scout groaned but nodded.

"Mkay I'll do it when do I start?" Scout asked. He downed the rest of his Bonk while Miss Pauling handed him the schedule. He took a look at it while she spoke. "You start today, this shows what times you'll have your rounds and what times your different tasks are. And I tried writing it in French I'm not very good at it though." She chuckled a little after saying that. The main reason she wrote the schedule in French was because it was easier for him to read. The woman looked at her watch and saw the time. She had to get going fast.

"Okay sorry I can't talk anymore I gotta go before I miss my ride out of Teufort. See ya Scout." And with that she left. Scout sat on the counter flipping through the notebook and slightly giggling at the amount of misspelled words. He flipped to the page that was the schedule for that day and saw he had to go see the administrator in 15 minutes.

"Oh shit-" he said and he sprinted to his room to change out of his uniform and into the nicer clothing Miss Pauling got for him. He quickly closed his bedroom door as he slid in and locked it. He grabbed the clothes that were on his bed which was a black pair of pants, a lilac button up shirt, and some nice dress shoes. He took his uniform off as well as his beaten up running shoes. He changed in the shirt with a white tank top underneath the lilac button up. He started running out while putting on the dress shoes. He went out the back door running straight past Sniper.

"Why the hell is he in such a rush?" Sniper asked himself. Scout ran into a van that was free for use at any time for the team and started it up, the keys already being in it. He drove straight to a tall building, the tallest building in the area in fact. And inside was the woman herself. The administrator.


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