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Hello, dear reader, this is UltiDeduction.

(For anyone inquiring, the eye above is indeed drawn by yours truly.)

Many of you may be wondering why I haven't updated, for it has been a week.

There's a reason for that. If you would like to read about the tale, I implore you to continue reading. If you don't, you may check my profile, where you will find a new work under my name.

On a normal school night, I sat, hunched over the desk, illuminated by a singular ceiling light. The night ambience creates the prime conditions for reclusive individuals such as myself, who only embrace their true form without the burning light of scrutiny. As the night wore on, I typed away, the clattering sounds of my keyboard echoeing in the silence. I shivered, powered only be the fervent desire to translate my otherwise chaotic thoughts in a reasonably comprehensible manner.

All of a sudden, I was possessed by an overwhelming desire to write what one would call a smutshot. It seized me entirely, grasping a hold of me, until I couldn't escape from its iron chokehold. Any efforts to fight the urge were decidedly futile. I was forced my hand and began my endeavour, spending days upon days researching and writing in pursuit of articulating thoughts of the most perverse nature.

Throughout the week, phantasms plagued my waking mind. Obsession took root in my heart, festering to the point I doubted my sanity. To give you an idea of my character, dear reader, I'm seen by most individuals I encounter as a shy, reserved, innocent and pure soul, unfettered by otherworldly filth. As such, when I revealed to my friend, on a whim, about my little side project, she was overcome with immense confusion, questioning my identity entirely.

With time, I was able to convince her that I was not possessed by a supernatural existence.

The journey was harsh, treacherous, and unforgiving, and I was forced to confront my own ignorance and preconceived notions regarding the topic. All my mental faculties were optimized to singlemindedly quench the desire, the want to write anything remotely sexual in nature. Strangely, I had a certain confidence towards myself that carried me forth, eventually leading me to willingly send a draft to a male friend of mine.

He harbored an uncharacteristic eagerness that caught me off guard, as it would many. Comments likes "YESSS!!!" and "YES I WOULD LOVE TO" assaulted my senses.

In spite of all the challenges I encountered, I was blessed with several supportive individuals who gave invaluable feedback in the process.

Those individuals are, in no particular order:





As well as other individuals who are not in possession of a Wattpad account.

Most importantly, I hope you derive as much entertainment from reading this smutshot as I did writing it.

Just one lesson || KazuscaraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang