-- 01

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a willow tree was across my eye sight, i had to hide, i had to hide from them.

the leaves were long enough to sink in, so i came closer to it; it felt weird to walk in, but it was the best place i could seek.

i heard their footsteps and them cocking the gun, my time was getting closer... no, im too youthful-- I'm too pretty to die!

quickly, i whimpered in my mind and prayed to the lord i wouldn't die an inevitable death. I dragged myself to the wet and grim sensation of this willow tree until I felt myself drown in the branches..

somehow, i felt my muscles drain out, causing a slight pain in my head and my stomach felt cold for some reason. the light i had seen dimmed into a blank space of the void, was i dead?

am i dead?

i felt my body shiver in coldness. my feet were numb and my hands.. I couldn't feel anything but my ears heard a snowstorm. i swear it was raining a while ago..

im dreaming.

i finally opened my eyes after what seemed like years, i felt dreams flashing before me as i looked at my surroundings in a fainted manner.

what.. the--


"..hell?" she said with a strong confusion in her voice, her eyes were panicking all over the place, heart pacing like a train. sana stands up with a numb feeling in her head, she was about to pass out again.

couldn't she remember what happened before?

"uhf.. ugh." sana rubs her temple, the unfamiliar yet familiar place was washing her memories away. she looks towards the forest.. what seeemed to be a forest, surrounded by the snow aggressively piling onto the ground level.

the brunette stayed in her place, her vision blurred as the sight seemed like pixels. she was frozen due to the cold air and her lack of warming clothes..

before she could pass out and figured 'i might as well die in the cold.', the woman saw a tall figure coming her way in what seemed to be leather clothing before she could fall over from where she did.. again.

and just like that, her story began.

"hey.. hey? are you there? oh heavens- i forgot to put you beside the fireplace, i swear your heart was beating.. don't die on me." she hears a voice, female.

blurred but yet so audible, her ears were probably suffocated with snow but she hesitates to move a finger.

thus, she felt warm again, she hears the crackling of a fire burning with passion. then the placement of firewood (she assumes) was being burnt.

she grunts, opening her eyes slowly as the frozen icicles on her eyelashes defrosted quickly when it was approached with a slight warmth of fire.

".. grrh.." sana grits her teeth, strangely, a pained feeling was in her leg.

"w-who are you?!" in an instinct, sana yells crazily, grabbing something out of her knife pocket but she realised this woman had confiscated her weapons, including her empty loaded gun which she uses to threaten people,

"hah.. i knew you'd do that." the woman says with a smug tone, sana frowns and her vision came back to life, though her eyes were extremely itchy and uncomfortable.

".. who ARE you?" sana asks again, with more aggression, she looks towards the woman but she had to admit, the beauty struck her like lighting. the woman was tall, face filled with joy and her hair was silky smooth and she had worn warming clothes suited for winter.

" tzuyu, tzuyu is my name. you'll get to know my full name soon."



"what the hell? I'm a grown adult!"

"by the looks of your style, it looked like you were thrown off the street by your mother who abandoned you because you wanted your job to be a thief." tzuyu strikes back, she had a point.

"...ugh. where am i anyway?" sana gazes into the window, not caring if the woman was present in the room.

"oh, you're in Everdale."


"oh god. no- no..!"

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