The next morning, I groggily awoke to find Alice in my doorway, holding a tray of food. I wiped my eyes and sat up in the bed,

"Good morning sunshine" She jeered while placing the elaborate plate on the end of the bed. "I heard you had a rough night last night so I whipped up a little something for you this morning." She smiled her stunning smile from ear to ear. I was a little stunned and moved by her kindness,

"Alice, wow, thank you. This is great." I admitted while looking at the delicious plate of food. Pancakes with berries and a cold brew.

"I ran to the store this morning, I forgot to pick up a few things for the house for you to eat since..." She trailed off. I looked up and smiled - already knowing that vampires don't eat. I thanked her profusely as she urged me to eat. She left as I took a bite of the pancakes and in an instant I felt heaven. I must've sounded like a wild animal scarfing down the pancakes and popping berries into my mouth. I was taking a huge swig of coldbrew when I heard the shatter of a plate downstairs. Immediately, I put my slippers on and rushed down the stairs, where a worried looking Jasper was consoling Alice who was to her knees. For a second I felt deja vu - with me being in that same exact position yesterday. Then- an intense rush of fear ran over me, Alice had another vision - I concluded. In an instant - Carlisle and Esme where in the room,

"Alice, what did you see?" Carlisle asked

"Something's changed." She sputtered, fear entrenched in every word. "The Volturi. Aro's turned the rest of the guard against Caius and Marcus. He's going to have them executed by end of day." She placed her hands to her face and fell back to the floor. Emmett, Edward and Rosalie joined moments later,

"He's moving faster than anticipated. We have to go to Italy. Now." Carlisle said, folding his arms. He took a good look at us and fixed his eyes on me.

"Pack your things, dismantle your weapons and Jasper will pack them so they will be undectded." I nodded my head and jogged up the stairs. Since I had only been here a few days, I ripped off my pajamas and shoved them into my satchel. I pulled out the only Old Navy outfit I hadn't had worn during my mission and slipped it on. I then focused my attention on dismantling all the equipment for Jasper - it only took a minute and then he materialized by my doorway.

"Here you go" I said cooly, he just nodded his head and took the supplies - all in one trip. I took one last look at my luggage before Edward appeared at the doorway.

"You ready?" He asked, placing a sticker around my satchel and bag. I let out a sigh and shrugged my shoulder,

"Everything's happening so quick. I didn't get a chance to get any extra guns. I thought we had a few more days." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Carlisle has a plan, between you and him - we'll be okay." He grabbed my luggage and bolted out the door. I picked over the room one last time before joining everyone in the garage - cars filled with luggage and engines roaring. I opened the door to Edward's car and we peeled off as a caravan, with the morning sun peeking through the dense Forks fog. After seemingly endless driving we arrived at a small private airport covered in fog and devoid of people. A small but gorgeous gulf-stream jet was perched perfectly on the tarmac, and they began unloading the luggage and making the way to the jet. Soon, a pilot and small crew emerged from the small office and shook Carlisle's hand.

"Hello sir, we are honored to be flying you and your family to Italy today. Skies look clear and we should be arriving by 2AM." The two flight attendants greeted us and boarded the plane, and the Cullens tried their best to keep their composure, neatly filing in a row and loading the plane with their nondescript luggage. Soon, we loaded into the plane and took off, leaving the dense fog of Forks behind. The plane ride was smooth and uneventful, with everyone lost in their thoughts. I couldn't help but feel nervous about what awaited us in Italy. I couldn't help but think - What was Carlisle's plan? We were flying in completely blind, without a plan and only Alice's vision as a guide. The tension inside the cabin was palpable as we flew towards Italy, unsure of what was waiting for us there. I glanced over at Edward, who was staring intently out the window, lost in his own thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us, for the Cullens, and for the entire vampire world. As we landed in Italy, the sun was just starting to rise, and we made our way to a waiting car. The driver greeted us and drove us to a secluded villa in the countryside, surrounded by lush greenery and a stunning view of the Mediterranean coast. The sprawling villa expanded for miles - disappearing into the end of a long driveway. We all settled into our rooms, I opted for a cozy little room with a balcony overlooking the sea. As I sat on the balcony, taking in the breathtaking view, I couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. I knew that our arrival in Volterra had not gone unnoticed, and that the Volturi would not take kindly to our interference. But as I sat there, watching the sun rise over the horizon, I felt a presence watching me from behind,

Aren't We Just Terrified? (Edward X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now