2) Crushed Dreams!

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Chand Kaur Grewal 's POV

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Chand Kaur Grewal 's POV

8- Jan- 1969

"Ma, please talk to your husband for me. You know I gave that exam to be a teacher I have passed it. Now just training of 1 year and I will be a teacher. It's just 50rs for the fees. I have saved 20rs already I just need 30rs please!" I begged my mother.

I knew this is my chance to escape this hell. I knew if I will start earning than only I'll be able to give my sisters a better life. If not today than we all will have to live a life same as my mother.

We'll be tied to a monster like our father who will treat us as nothing but a slave in day and a bed warmer in night.

"You know how your father is Chand but don't worry I will try my best my dear. I know you are often disappointed in your father but he is not a bad person!" She defended that man.

"I can see what type of a man he is mother." I said while slightly caressing the bruise that had formed on her right cheek.

He did this everytime, venting out his frustration and anger on my mother as if she is a punching bag.

He just needs a excuse to beat her, yesterday night he slapped her just because the salt in his food was less!

But he was not the only one, every man around us is like that, my elder sister Raji was married 2 years back and her husband is a monster!

The women in our neighbourhood have similar bruises.

My Masi's husband is even worst! He married another woman just because my masi was childless.

I don't know why men are like this! Why can't they be like those men who are in cenima.

My friend Deep and I went to cenima once that hero was so gentle, what was his name.....

Ooh yes Sunil Dutt and the movie was about him falling for his neighbour.

But in real life men are like my father!

Ruthless, heartless. I just don't want my other sisters to have same fate as my elder sister that's why I have to get a job.

I started cutting the vegetables while thinking about a future where maybe I will be free!

Free to do what I want, free to go wherever I want, free too .......

My thoughts were broken as I heard loud voice of something breaking.

I immediately rushed towards the kitchen only witness the sight I detest the most.

My monster of the father was clutching my mother's hair.

"How dare you speak infront of me? You want that girl to study haan! I have just received a marriage proposal for that untamed mare of yours and she will get married by next month that's it!" He shouted on my mother while slapping her.

I immediately got in between and said " I won't get married father, no matter what!"

After listening to my firm voice he halted a bit but than a psychotic smile took place on his wrinkled face.

"Ok than, if you won't get married to the man than I will marry your youngest sister to him. Will you like that chand your little sister who is not even 10 yet getting married?" He said as I felt cold water getting poured on my head.

I can't let this happen. No she is too young I can't let this happen to her. Naseeb is too young to bear the brunt of marriage.

"I will, I will marry him. Just don't bring my Naseeb inbetween." I said as a stray tear rolled from my eyes.

" Don't cry like you have made some sacrifice girl. Infact you are lucky because groom's family has made the first move. I don't know what Brar's saw in you that they are so hell bent on marrying thier only son to you. They are a big name in Amritsar. You will live like a Queen there. So instead of crying be greatful." He spatted before walking away.

Meanwhile I cried the whole night, cried for my Dead Crushed Dreams!

Hello magicians ❤️❤️

So how was Chand Kaur Grewal soon to be Brar?

Did you liked it?

Also I want a suggestion!

Tell me an actor from 60's or 70's who can play our younger Dilsher Singh Brar! Please I am unable to decide so please suggest.

Also this book is going to be short of maximum 15 chapters with maximum length of 500-1000 words that's it!

So see you in next update till than keep showering this book with love ❤️❤️

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