The Great Beginning

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Percy POV

I was out patrolling Camp Half Blood, carelessly at evening. Annabeth was also patrolling the camp border with me. We mainly just chatted. After a few minutes Wise Owl left, to go drink some water. I sat down, below Thalia's tree, waiting for her. Suddenly, I heard a scream.

 " SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME" screamed a frightened feminine voice. Oh, well, looks like we're getting a new female camper. 

I rushed to the  place the scream was coming from and found a boy, being chased to death by a hellhound, screaming his mind off.                                                        

With a swift movement, I finished off the hellhound with Riptide. 

After doing so, I asked the boy, "Hey, you alright? You look kinda tired, wanna rest, this is Camp Half-Blood" The boy immediately snatched my sword and knocked me to the ground, taking me by surprise. 

He snottily said "Thanks loser, but I don't need your help" Of course, the pain was nothing but since, for the first time in my life, my brain was going at miles per hour, I couldn't move because I couldn't comprehend what was going on. Just as I was about to speak, I heard dozens of people walking up the hill.

I looked up to see the whole of Camp Half-Blood looking down at us.

All rights go to Rick Riordan, Peace out and CR7!!!

P.S: This is just a short informative chapter.

Warning all rights go to Rick Riordan

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