Chapter 22- The Trials to Get to the Stone

Start from the beginning

I focused on flowing all of my energy to the palm of my left hand to create a ball of light. I closed my eyes to concentrate, and I could hear the confusion of Harry and Hermione, and the panicked screams of Ron. I tuned everyone out, only focusing on the energy slowly collecting in my palm. I urged it to collect faster, and it did. When I opened my eyes and held out my palm, there was a ball of light, about the size of a gumball. I aimed my palm towards the Devil's Snare, and I focused on shooting the light from it. The ball of light shot quickly towards the Devil's Snare, and in an instant Ron fell through. I looked up at where the plant used to be, and I saw that there was none of it left. Somehow, my tiny ball of light had managed to burn the entire thing away to where no one would even know it existed in the first place. Damn, Hikari was not joking when she said that light was one of the purest forms of magic.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N!" Ron exclaimed, running up to me and giving me a short and awkward hug.

I smiled. "No problem. Now, what's the next trial?" I knew, of course, that the next trial would involve the flying keys.

Sure enough, when we walked into the room of the next trial, there were flying keys everywhere. They were like jewel bright birds, flapping around and making buzzing noises as they whizzed past. There was a single broom placed by the door that Harry grabbed.

"Look for one with crushed wings," I said, wanting this to go faster and to offer him help. Harry scanned the room and it seemed like almost instantly he somehow located a key with a crushed wing. He zoomed towards it on the broom and Hermione, Ron, and I all watched as he caught up and grabbed the key. He touched down and used the key to unlock the locked door.

We stepped into the next room, and there was a humongous chess board with mountains of broken chessboard pieces. It seemed like a graveyard more than a chess board. There were many empty positions, and Ron, being actually good at something, chess, told us all where to go.

"Hermione, you be the rook, Harry, you be the bishop on C1 and Y/n you'll be the bishop on F1," he commanded, and we all moved to our respective positions. "And I'll be the knight," he said.

We played chess for a little bit until suddenly the game got very intense. I knew this part well, and I knew that all I had to do after moving was to stay and hold out on C6. The queen moved from D1 to D3, smashing the pawn on it to bits and now being directly in line with Harry, threatening to go after and take him next.

 The queen moved from D1 to D3, smashing the pawn on it to bits and now being directly in line with Harry, threatening to go after and take him next

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