The next day Alyarra got ready for her day at court quickly. She had ordered Catherryn to do a beautiful braided hairstyle on her and then got dressed with a stunning green dress, not forgetting the necklace that Aemond had gifted her. She wanted to look her very best for her day at court.

Alyarra and Catherryn then sat in the lady's living quarters as they were served breakfast by the other maids. "How is it going with your knight, Catherryn?" Alyarra asked as the girl blushed a profound red.

"Oh it is wonderful, he speaks of marriage soon. I have written to my father about it and he is ecstatic. The Hornwood's are good people and their seat is a respected one." Catherryn gushed as Alyarra smiled.

"I bet your father must be infinitely proud of you. As am I." Alyarra stated as Catherryn smiled at the noble lady widely.

"My father also asks about you and your wellbeing. He says that the Lord Cregan misses you terribly, although he won't admit it." Catherryn pointed out as a smile crept unto Alyarra's face at the mention of her brother.

"I have been a bad sister. I have yet to raven him, I bet he must be quite upset with me. I guess court has me all too busy. I will compose a raven this very day." Alyarra stated as Catherryn smiled.

"I bet Lord Cregan would very much like that, my lady. You know how fond he is of you." Catherryn said as Alyarra nodded her head. "I adore him. Remind me to compose the raven." Alyarra ordered as Catherryn nodded.

"How has your courting with Prince Aemond been? The two of you seem to grow closer esch passing day. " Catherryn asked Alyarra as she smiled down at her silver plate.

"It's been good. You know he is different than what I expected. He was so cold towards me at first but now... I feel like I see him for who he is." Alyarra answered as Catherryn raised a brow.

"Do you reckon a marriage could happen between the two of you?" Catherryn asked as Alyarra held her breath for a second before answering.

"I wouldn't contest it if it did. The prince is a good and honorable man. I am sure he would make a fine husband." Alyarra answered as Catherryn smiled.

"How glad I am to hear he is unlike his brother." Catherryn said as Alyarra gave her a questioning look. "Whatever do you mean, Catherryn?" Alyarra asked as Catherryn shrugged.

"Oh I don't know. I've heard Princess Helaena's maids talking... The say he is a pain, insufferable they say. He touches them inappropriately and he speaks vulgar in front of them. He is the opposite of his brother, they call him cruel." Catherryn said almost dismissively as Alyrra frowned.

Aegon had never been unkind or cruel to her. He had always been quite funny and never once crossed the line with her. Although she was a noble lady of high standing. She was sure his treatment of her had a lot to do with her being a Stark.

"That is terrible. I wonder if he is cruel to Helaena." Alyarra huffed as Catherryn leaned into the girl. "I heard he treats her terribly." Catherryn said in a whisper tone. Alyarra made a face of distain and sighed. She felt bad for Helaena. She was a good girl with a kind heart.

The pair finished their breakfast and soon enough the two of them headed down to join the court.

As they entered the Great Hall, Catherryn was whisked away by some of the other ladies. It seemed as Catherryn had made other friends at court. Alyarra wondered why none of the other ladies wanted to speak to her, as she had tried to join conversations at different times but they would ignore her.

Alyarra stood by a corner as suddenly the royal family came into the Great Hall. A small smile crept unto Alyarra's face as she spotted Aemond. The lady moved towards the family as the Queen Alicent smiled at the girl.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now