Starting Today, You Are a Host!

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[school clock tower showing 3:03pm birds fly by] Haruhi: [looking into Library 4 which id full chatting people sighs and close the door, walks down the hallway] (this place has 4 library rooms, you'd think one of them would be quiet) [looks at a window while walking, seeing birds fly by] (how're things in heaven mom? I can't believe it's been 10 years already I'm beginning to think that rich kids only come to school to have a good time) Y/n: hey Haruhi do you need help Haruhi: yes do you know a place to study Y/n: yes I think no one is using it now so let me show you the room [you go to the music room 3 but when you open you look in] Host: [rose petals fall] welcome Y/n: hey guys host: hey Y/n Kaoru: hi love what are you doing Y/n: well I was just showing Haruhi where to - [Haruhi just stood there and Tamaki cut you off] Tamaki: only those with excellent social standing & those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here, at the elite private school, Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys & beautiful girl, with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies & men, who also have way too much on their hands. Just think of it Ouran Academy elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful Haruhi: [freaking out] th-this is a host club twins: oh wow its a boy Y/n: guys Kyoya: Hikaru, Kaoru, and Y/n, I believe this young man is in the same class as you isn't he [looks at you three] Y/n: well I wouldn't judge [you look at Haruhi but she shakes her head] nevermind Twins: yea, but he's shy, he doesn't act very sociably, so we don't know much about him [shrugs in sync] Y/n: he's a good friend so I talk to him after class Kaoru: you talk to him baby Y/n: yes I just want to meet new friends Kyoya: hmm [smiles slightly a lightbulb going off] well that wasn't very polite welcome to Ouran host club Mr. Honor Student [smiles at Haruhi, you look at him when you realize he found out] Tamaki: [pops up] what you must be Haruhi Fujioka you're the exceptional honor student we've heard about Haruhi: [trying to get out and looks at them] how do you know my name Kyoya: Why you're infamous, it's not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student, Mr. Fujioka Haruhi: [sweat drop] Well uh... thank you I guess... Tamaki: [puts an arm around Haruhi's shoulders] You're welcome! You're a hero to other poor people Fujioka. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy! Haruhi: [pinches away from him] Tamaki: [follows] It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others." Haruhi: I think you're taking this 'poor' thing too far. [Still moving away from him] Y/n: Tamaki let her go [you push his arm away from her] Tamaki: [still following] Spurned, neglected, but that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor!"[Puts his arm back around Haruhi's shoulders] We welcome your poor man, to our world of- [throws his arms out with sparkles and rose petals] Beauty! Haruhi: [walks back towards the door, unphased mutters] I'm outta here. Huni: Hey! Come back here Haru-Chan! [Grabs Haruhi's arm and pulls her back towards the middle of the room] You must be like a superhero or something, that's so cool!" [Flowers around him] Haruhi: I'm not a hero, I'm an honor student." prealization, shouts] And who're you calling Haru-Chan?!?! Y/n: Haruhi you should calm down before you scare him [you turn around but you saw his face] never mind Huni: [backs away, teary eyed] Tamaki: I never would've imagined the famous scholar, would be so openly gay? Haruhi: [quietly to herself] "Eh? Openly what?" Mori: [in the background consoling Huni with Usa-Chan] Tamaki: o tell me what kind of guys you're into. Do you like the strong silent type? The boy-Lolita? How about the mischievous type? Or the cool type? Haruhi: U-Uh... I- uh i-it's not like that! I was just looking for a quiet place to study! [Backing up nervously] Tamaki: [tilts Haruhi's chin up] Or maybe, you're into a guy like me? Whadaya say? [seductive] Haruhi: Eh?! [Gets out of his grip and backs up, bumping into a pedestal, gasp as a vase falls, goes to grab it but misses and it crashes to the floor, twitches] Twins: Aww! [Pop up behind her, looking at the broken vase] Y/n: are you okay Haruhi Hikaru: We were going to feature that renaissance vase at an upcoming school auction Kaoru: Oh now you've done it commoner, the bidding on that vase was supposed to start at eight million yen! Haruhi: Wha- eight million yen?! [Sighs depressingly and tries to count on her fingers] How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in a million?" [Stands up and turns to the hosts] Uhm I'm... gonna have to pay you back Twins: With what money? You can't even afford a school uniform Y/n: hey be nice [smile at each other] Kaoru: What's with that grubby outfit you've got on anyway? Y/n: Kaoru stop it Kyoya: [picks up a piece of the vase and examines it] Well what do you think we should do Tamaki?" Haruhi: [exclaims loudly] Tamaki: [sits in a chair and crosses one leg over the other]"There's a famous saying you may have heard Fujioka. When in Rome you should do as the Romans do [pointing] Since you have no money, you can pay with your body. That means starting today, you're the host club's dog. Haruhi: I don't know if I can handle this mom.. [goes pale and wobbly] I've been captured by a bunch of boys that are calling themselves a host club. Twins: [lean closer to her as she wobbles] Hm? Y/n: hey don't touch him [you hit the twins head] Tamaki: [waving his hand in front of her face] Huni : [pokes Haruhi] Poke poke? Y/n: don't you are going to make him fall Haruhi: [tips over]

The Host Club is Now Open for Business

[tamaki send haruhi to buy things that we were missing and we were watching Haruhi making some instat coffee] All of the Guests: Mm-hmm! [nodding in sync] Kyoya: Commoners are pretty smart [gathered around Tamaki's sofa with the twins and other guests] Hikaru: One hundred grams for three hundred yen? Kaoru: That's a lot less than we normally pay Y/n: yep [Kaoru had a arm around you] Haruhi: I'll go back and get something else. 'Scuse me for not buying you guys expensive coffee. Y/n: don't worry Haruhi it's fine [tamaki drank the coffee that Haruhi made, then Tamaki send the twins and your borther to do something and Honey and you were told to eat some cakes and both of us were sulking. After we were watching Haruhi hosting skills and she was doing good] Ayanokouji: Oh really? That must've been terrible. I can't imagine what I'd do if my bag fell into the pond Haruhi: Why did she request me when it's obvious she doesn't like me? Ayanokouji: "And you actually made Tamaki search that dirty old pond with you, how astonishing." [rests her chin in her laced hands, smiling at Haruhi] "You do realize he's a blue blood and not a commoner right? The only reason he's paying attention to you, is because he's trying to turn you into a gentleman. Don't start thinking he cares about you just because he's doubting on you Haruhi: Now I understand, you're jealous of me Ayanokouji: [freezes, grabs Haruhi's arm and pulls, knocking the table over and making them both fall to the floor with Haruhi on top of her, and screams] No Haruhi leave me alone! Somebody help he just attacked me! Haruhi: [gasps] Ayanokouji: "Someone do something! Teach this commoner a lesson! Twins: [each dump a pitcher of water on them] Y/n: let me hlep you [you give her a hand and Haruhi grab your hand] Haruhi: thank you [sits up, looking up at Hikaru] Ayanokouji: Why did you do that? Tamaki: [helps her up, brushing some hair from her face] Ayanokouji: Do something Tamaki, Haruhi just assaulted me Tamaki: I'm disappointed in you. You threw his bag into the pond didn't you." Haruhi: [watching Tamaki] Ayanokouji: You don't know that. Do you have any proof that I did? Y/n: because I have proof [you took out your phone] Tamaki: You know you're a beautiful girl [lifts her chin] But you aren't classy enough to be our guest dear. If there's one thing I know, Haruhi is not that kind of a man." Ayanokouji: [crying] Why Tamaki.. you idiot! [runs out of the room] Tamaki: [turns to Haruhi] Hmm, now how I going to punish you, because it is your fault after all [points at her] You're quota is now one thousand! Haruhi: [mutters] One.. thou... sand? Tamaki: [holds his hand out to help Haruhi up] Come on. I've got high expectations for you my little rookie [winks] Haruhi: Huh? Y/n: [holds a bag out to Haruhi] This is the only spare uniform we have. Sorry, but it's better than a wet one right? Haruhi: [took the bag, looking inside] Thanks a lot you guys, I'm gonna go change Tamaki: [walking up to the changing room] Haruhi, here you go, I brought you some towels." Y/n: Tamaki don't you dare open the curtain.... [Tamaki opens the curtains to see Haruhi changing, Haruhi gasps quietly and turns to look at Tamaki, Tamaki drops the curtain, the final lightbulb going off] Tamaki: Haruhi? Haruhi: Yea? Tamaki: So, you're a girl? Haruhi: Biologically speaking yea [comes out of the changing room, wearing a girls uniform, Tamaki shouts] Haruhi: Listen Senpai, I don't really care whether you guys recognize me as a boy or a girl. In my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are, rather than for what sex they are Kyoya: Well isn't this an interesting development [knew from the start] Twins: Oh yea! [figured it out along the way, along with Mori and Huni] Y/n: I knew since she told me when I saw her in the girls restroom Haruhi: Uh, you know I have to say Senpai, I thought you were pretty cool earlier [Tamaki blushes, his whole face turning red] Kyoya: Now I could be wrong, but I think we may be witnessing the beginnings of love here [smirks to the audience] Haruhi: Being a host and being fussed over by a bunch of girls might not be that bad. I wonder how I can pull it off? I've got it! [hits her fist on her palm] I'll just call everyone dude and bro now [laughs/giggles] Y/n: I want to do it too twins: NOO

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