Meeting the sick boy who is the demon king in the future

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Yorichii was in heaven in peace because he was not fighting and he was just living his life the way he wanted an no one could try to stop him. He was just reading a random book he found on the bookshelf until a portal appears out of nowhere in front of him. Yorichii stood up then a rope tied itself around him and pulled him into the portal dragging him and he dropped his book on the floor. He didn't know where he was going but he knew it was not good but he knew he couldn't escape from wherever he going too. Then he saw a light he flinched at the light then he flew out of another portal and landed hard on his butt on a ground then the portal disappeared.

Yorichii looked around then someone appeared in front of him and it was Noelle the Pilar of time breathing she must of sent him here. She cleared her throat and said "yorichii I sent you here because I want you to change the past for the future to be right and don't worry I will join you to change the future." Yorichii nodded and asked "what era are we in Noelle" Noelle replied with "the heian era yorichii sama." Yorichii was surprised they were that far into the past than he thought they were but he wondered what do they have to do to change the future. Noelle sighed and said "we have to find Muzan yorichii because he was born in this era he is now eighteen in this timeline this is the time before he turns into a demon.

Yorichii was surprised at first but then he calmed down and nodded at Noelle then he stood up and looked around they were in a living room. Then they heard coughing loud coughing from down the hall they walked together and then Noelle opened the door/ dividers. And on the other side was a eighteen year old boy with long black hair and ruby red eyes that look like glass windows. The poor boy was coughing out blood and it wouldn't stop even if he tried no matter how much medicine he took nothing worked for him. Yorichii knocked and the boy looked up confused and also he looked frightened because he was scared they were gonna do something to him and yorichii and Noelle looked at each other with worry in their eyes then back at the boy.

Noelle walked over to the boy and said "don't worry we would never hurt a human being, so you don't have to be scared dear." Noelle smiled while sitting down on her her knees in front of boy who looked really weak right now but he was very beautiful indeed. The boy said with a soft voice "you mean it, that you are not gonna hurt me" the boy was now starting to cry and yorichii smiled and walked over to the boy. Yorichii sat down on his knees next to the boy and brushed the boys tears away and said "we mean it we are not gonna hurt you, your just a kid." The boy smiled and said "thank you, I am sorry usually my doctor comes here for my check ups to see him am I doing, I don't usually get visitors."

Yorichii and Noelle looked at each other with worry and then Noelle thought of an idea that her mother taught her when she was young. Noelle said "I am gonna make some tea because my mama said yea is helpful for someone that feels down." The boy nodded and Noelle stood up and walked to the kitchen which was on the other side of the bedroom that they were in. Yorichii sighed and said "so what's your name? my name is yorichii tsugikuni but you can just call me yorichii or yor whatever is easier to say." The boy nodded and said "my name is muzan kibutsuji but you can call me muzan or just mu I don't like my name because it is hard for people to say."

Yorichii was shocked because this was muzan, this weak, sick, poor bowls was muzan, yorichiis enemy the man he thought was probably born a demon but he was wrong really wrong. Yorichii calmed down and said "you have a beautiful name muzan, I don't think it is a hard name to say." Muzan looked at yorichii and smiled that was beautiful and yorichii couldn't help but smile back at him. Then Noelle walked in with a tray on it was a tea pot and three tea cups so everyone can have tea because this tea was good and helpful for the sick. She sat down on her knees then placed the tray down and then Muzan asked "what kinda tea is this" Noelle replied with "green tea."

Yorichii leaned into Noelle and whispered into her ear saying that the boy was Muzan and Noelle was shocked but calmed down and nodded. Muzan poured all three of their tea without asking them first and they were surprised but then they smiled then Muzan put the teapot down. Then he picked up his teacup and started drinking it then Noelle and yorichii grabbed there's and drank there's as well. Muzan finished and he said "I feel better than I did before how" Noelle stopped drinking and said "because I figured out that you had a disease in you so I made green tea because this tea prevents diseases." Noelle smiled and started drinking her tea again, and Muzan was shocked but then calmed down and smiled and then he put his teacup down and poured more tea in his teacup.

Then he picked up his teacup again and then he started drinking his tea again because he was glad that he met someone that is trying to help him and it is working. Yorichii smiled at Muzan who was looking at him and Muzan blushed and said "sorry" yorichii replied with "it's ok" Noelle could see a possible relationship forming.
To be continued~

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