CHAPTER 36 : "You're Playing with Fire, Ariana."

Start from the beginning

He opened the file going through it. His expression changed, he too was shocked to read the file.

He stood up from the couch and said "Who else knows about it?"

"Fred does."

He was about to leave when I held his hand, stopping him "What are you gonna do?"

"Threaten him or kill him if needed."

"No." My hands remained on his chest, I was trying to stop him "I sorted it Aless."


"I trust Fred, he wouldn't tell a soul and even if he does he can't prove it."

"How do you know that?"

"Because, this was the only copy he had. It's the original one."

"No. I can't believe that guy. I don't even know him."

"I do. For once trust me please. Trust me Aless, he wouldn't tell anyone."

"Ari, I will be destroyed if he does. I'll lose the ADA. It's my life."

I know.

"You won't."

It seemed like he didn't believe me.

"You were my case Aless six years ago. He told me this because I am related to you. He said I can have the file but-"

"But, what?"

I didn't reply.

Shit I said too much. Why do I talk so much?


My hold on his t-shirt tightened "I didn't think of this, he told me I can give this to the detectives or news channel. Or give it back to you. It's on me."

He stared at me, not uttering a word.

"Aless, it's not his fault. He thought maybe this way I can take revenge for Sebastian's death."

"Did you give it a second thought?" He asked.

I shouldn't say this. I shouldn't.

I didn't reply, which was enough for him to understand.

He moved back from me.


I was about to touch him but he raised his finger asking me to stop. "Don't."

"But I didn't do it."

"You thought about doing it, that's just enough for me."

"Aless I-"

He held my hand and handed the file to me "Do whatever you want with this. If informing me will help you seek justice for Sebastian, do it."

He just left the room slamming the door.

Jesus! What is wrong with him? I didn't betray him.

He didn't talk to me during the dinner, all the time he was just ignoring me and when I was making any move to talk to him he was just avoiding my questions and paying attention to Ian.

"Mommy!" Ian yelled suddenly making me jump in my place on the bed clutching my chest.


"Let's dance."

I rolled my eyes "You can continue, I am good."

He turned on the music, it played 'baby' by Justin Bieber. The only song he loves to dance on.

"Come on baby, let's dance." He said while moving with the tune and signalling me to come closer.

I got up from the bed and moved with him, dancing to the music screaming on top of my voice.

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