I sat in my apartment with Katelyn, bored on the couch. Neither of us were speaking. Your phone started ringing, which startled you at first.


"Hello y/n Gray," a scary and unfamiliar voice said.

It suddenly became more familiar. It was the voice every Ghostface used.

A classic. A man or woman have some dumb motive, and they get a voice changer, black cloak, and Ghostface mask from who-knows where. Even though it was a simple horror voice effect Billy Loomis had started the trend of using, it sent chills down your spine.

He laughed an evil laugh. One that was either mocking you or watching you moments before your death. The girl who gets the phone call at the beginning of the stab movie has always died, except Tara.

It was a miracle that she had survived that one year ago. But now it was your turn to have a chance at being a final girl.

"Katelyn, I'll explain later, but we need to get out of here!" I shouted, running over to the door.


You could only manage to choke out one word. "Ghostface."

"But Ghostface is gone-"

I pulled at the doorknob, but it wouldn't open. "Going somewhere?" Ghostface asked with a laugh. I had almost forgotten he was still on the phone

Your finger lingered over the button that would end the call. You needed to call Tara. She had been through this exact predicament in Woodsboro. She would know what to do. She could even come and help you.

Because you have never experienced or come close to a Ghostface attack, you only knew he could want nothing more than to kill you. You hoped deep inside of yourself that he would just let you go.

"What do you want?" You whispered, trying to contain your shaking.

"I just want to play a game, sweetheart," he teased.

You tried to ignore the fact that a serial killer in a mask just called you sweetheart while trying to break into your apartment and kill you.

"Leave me and my roommate alone," You begged.

"No promises. What's your favorite scary movie?" Ghostface asked.

"I don't have one!" You responded in sheer panic.

You began to barricade the door with any piece of furniture that you could find. The sofa, a chair, a table. Anything that could hold him back even just a few minutes. Anything that could spare Kate and your's lives.

"That's just not going to work. Are you sure you don't have one? I would think of one if I were you."

"No, I don't have one."

"Fine, I guess it doesn't look good for Katelyn then. And for you..."


You hung up on him, and I turned around when I heard banging on the door. The barricade of objects flew, and you ran to the door, trying to hold him back yourself. He was too strong to hold back.

The door was kicked down, and you went flying across the room.

"Katelyn, run!" You shouted as the masked killer entered the room.

Ghostface walked menacingly towards Katelyn, and without hesitating brought his knife down upon her. She screamed as he repeatedly stabbed her and as you watched in horror.

"No!" I screamed, my hand covering my mouth as You watched her stop moving.

You wanted to run, but you were paralyzed in fear. The girl that was lying dead on the ground was the girl you've known since forever.

Katelyn was there before you had even met my new best friends. Although you never considered her my closest friend until this moment, you had realized that she was just as important to you as Tara was.

She had been your roommate ever since you had moved here, and you weren't sure how you were going to live without her. When Ghostface was done with his victim, he began to walk towards you. You quickly stood up, starting to back off and look for any weapon that you could.

You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a large kitchen knife, but he continued to walk towards you with no fear. Were you going to die?

"Get away from me!" you yelled, pointing the knife towards him as tears rolled down your cheeks.

"Why should I?"

Your shaky hands held your phone, trying to look for Tara's contact. Ghostface lunged towards you, knocking your phone out of your hand, and knocking you to the ground.

He lingered on top of you, putting his knife above your throat. You could hear his heavy breathing from the other side of the mask. So much adrenaline ran through your veins.

More tears rolled down your face. "I don't want to die,"You mumbled, closing my eyes for a second. It wasn't supposed to end like this.

He hesitantly lifted his knife away from your throat and muttered something to himself.

"I'm not going to kill you."

You paused and tried to tame your shaky voice. "You're... not going to kill me?"

From what you know, Ghostface never lets his victims go.

"No, you're just part of my game, sweetheart."

Before you could respond, you sensed his anger.

His gloved hand covered your mouth. "Don't tell your friends about this, or I'll come back for you."

You didn't respond once again. You were too scared to say anything. The mask looking back at you was petrifying.

"Do you understand me?" he repeated, pressing his hand against my mouth harder.

You nodded, shivering.

"Good. Now pretend like you never saw me. I really don't want to have to kill you."

He got up, walking away from you and towards the door. He was really tall and extremely intimidating. There was no way you weren't going to tell Tara. She had to know because Ghostface was probably coming for her next.

But why did Ghostface spare you?

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