Before the second man can react, Erich hurls the rifle to the ground and charges at them with a makeshift spear crafted from a knife and a tree branch.

"Die!" Erich shouts as he thrusts the spear, impaling the second man, leaving only the ringleader standing.

At the same time, Armin and Annie are passing nearby and notice Erich's actions. "What's Erich doing?" Annie asks with concern.

"It looks like he's trying to fight them..." Armin responds, his voice tinged with horror. Erich shouts, "You damn animals! Die!"

The boss attempts to shoot Erich but misses, the bullet grazing Erich's shoulder. Erich winces from the pain but remains determined, eventually managing to disarm and incapacitate the last assailant. Carla looks on in shock as Erich rushes to free her.

"Don't worry, Carla. You're safe now," Erich says, focusing on untying her. Carla can't help but feel a mix of emotions, seeing Erich's efforts to protect her despite the danger.

"Erich! Carla!" Eren and the others arrive at the scene, finding Erich and Carla outside the house, surrounded by the three assailants who are no longer a threat.

The soldiers accompanying Eren examine the situation. "Two were stabbed by the knife on the ground, and one was shot," one of them reports.

Eren approaches Erich and demands, "Erich, Did you do this?"

Erich remains silent. Eren kneels down and continues, "Do you comprehend the gravity of what you've done?"

"I got rid of some dangerous animals!" Erich's voice trembles. "They were beasts in human form! They would've been long gone by the time the National Military arrived! It would've been too late!"

Eren and Mikasa are both surprised at what he said, what are the odds that the same thing has happened again? Eren's expression softens a little, realizing Erich's intentions. "Even so, you were just lucky, Erich! The way you casually threw your life away is what I'm angry about!"

"I just wanted to save her," Erich says tearfully.

Eren notices his own sternness, realizing that he is starting to act like his father, and with a softer tone, he continues, "Erich, I'm grateful that you were ready to save Carla. However, your approach could have been more measured. I understand the necessity of your actions in this situation, but it's crucial to control your anger. The daggers in your eyes are enough to burn the whole world down to ashes."

"I'll try, Dad," Erich murmurs.

Meanwhile, Jean rushes to Carla, expressing concern. "Are you okay? Did they harm you?"

"They... they wanted to take me somewhere dark... I..." Carla's voice trails off, and Mikasa notices her trembling.

"Are you feeling cold?" Fay inquires.

Carla hesitates. "No... I... I'm just chilly..."

In a tender gesture, Erich removes his green scarf and wraps it around Carla's neck. "You can keep this, Carla. It's warm, right?"

Carla gingerly touches the soft fabric. "It's warm..."

Jean turns to Eren with anger in his voice, "This is your fault! Your children's recklessness almost cost me my daughter!"

Eren sighs in frustration, "My fault? It's not like I invited those people here to hunt children. I can't believe these scums are still lurking around..."

As the soldiers approach Eren and the others, Eren instructs, "Report that the perpetrators were attacked by wild animals. Also, inform the queen about these individuals."

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