No... It can't be.

The revelation left him empty with the realization that without her, he was nothing. Without her, this life meant nothing. He thought he lost her, and he was sure he hadn't breathed until he saw her again at the hospital that night. She was here, and she was going to be alright.

"Arna- Arnav ji..."

He scoots closer, his gaze falling on her angelic face, on her still closed eyes. Her hand lays by her side on the bed, and with much needed courage, he takes her dainty hand in his own, releasing warmth.

"I'm right here Khushi," He whispers, not caring if she can't hear, "Nothing will happen to you. I promise."

That night, Arnav had made the promise to take care of her for as long as he lived, for he loved her. Yes, he loved her with with every fibre of his being – and he loves her now, just as he has for longer than he cares to admit. He knows he is a foolish, foolish man, one who has hidden his feelings for far too long.

"I lo- I love pizza," Shit.

"Heh? Pizza?" Khushi frowns, irritated and confused.

"No, no. I meant... I l-"

"Maybe you're trying to say Laad Governor? Because that's exactly who you are," She teases, scrunching her nose.

A small, inaudible laugh escapes his lips at the memory. This slip of a girl has been leaving Arnav Singh Raizada tongue tied ever since she quite literally fell into his life, and he adores her for it.

His mind traces back to yet another memory, one where he had finally made the decision to listen to his heart. He had asked her to lunch, and she had obliged with a red nose he so desperately wanted to caress.

"So... I'll see you tomorrow when I come to pick you up," He starts walking backwards towards the door, still facing her.


"Take care, Khushi,"

He turns to leave when her voice stops him.



"Aap itne bhi bure nahi hain," (You're not that bad.)

"Janta hoon," (I know.)

At lunch the day after, Arnav had held his heart in his hands before her. He wanted to tell her, he wanted her to know. It had been too long, and she was too important. And then, she had uttered the single sentence that shook his being, trembled the universe of truths he knew and believed in.

"Shyam ji is not who you think he is."

The statement had threatened to question his beliefs, the basis of his family, and his Di's marriage – but he had went against his all of his initial instincts and had listened to her. Arnav had already given his heart to her, and now she had his absolute trust. They came together as a team to expose Shyam's truth, and he couldn't have imagined bearing it alone. He still blames himself for not seeing that his Di had gotten married to and had been worshipping a monster, right under his nose. The thought infuriates and tears him apart that that man had hurt not only his Di but the love of his life, too. The two women he had vowed to protect.

His Di, although broken at the time, has emerged a stronger woman after it all. Arnav knows she doesn't let the family notice her quiet grief, and he knows it will take time until the past can be fully erased. But he also sees that there is a different light that surrounds his Di now. She stands taller, at peace within herself, unrelentingly aware of her self worth.

ArShi FF: HomeboundWhere stories live. Discover now