Holidate Me: Chapter #3

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AFG LGBTQ+: Accidental Boner

❄️ 🤍•❄️•🤍❄️

Christmas Eve arrives rather quickly, and Stiles is a nervous wreck. Tonight, they will be putting their relationships on display for the first time in front of both of their families. No pressure there at all. No sir.

He swallows thickly, his throat clicking with nerves as he adjusts his tie. The tie had been Stella's idea and he wanted to fight her on it but even he can admit he looks good. Stiles refuses to acknowledge the inner turmoil over just who it is that he wants to look good for.

"Are you ready?" Stella says with a hand on his arm. "We've got this baby bro."

Stiles huffs. "If I'm not ready then I'm sure it'll be obvious pretty quickly." He lets her take his arm and with a deep breath they head inside.

Stella is dressed in a burgundy red cocktail dress with black stilettos and her hair in a fancy updo that Stiles himself learned to do just for her. She also has a black clutch bag with her phone, lip gloss and ID inside it.

Stiles is in a pair of black dress pants, black dress shoes, a dark green button up shirt with a white vest and white tie over it. He's wearing his glasses and as his nerves rise the further in they go, his hand that's not occupied with his sister, rubs at a small bump under his shirt. It's only noticeable if you know it's there and Stiles never takes it off. So, it's always there.

They part easily, Stella kissing his cheek before seeking out Theo. Stiles figures he should do the same and scans the room for Thea. He finds her speaking to another girl that looks to be their age and slowly makes his way over.

"Hey Stiles!" she greets him with a blinding grin. "Stiles, this is my friend Alyssa. Alyssa, this is my guy, Stiles."

Alyssa tucks her hair behind her ear and offers her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Stiles."

He takes her hand and kisses the back of it. "Pleasure is all mine."

She giggles. "Well, aren't you just the sweetest gentleman ever."

"I don't know about that but thank you. So, what were you lovely ladies talking about before I wandered over?"


Theo stares at the champagne in his glass, a bit at a loss of what to do with himself. Stella is leaning against the counter next to him and the two of them have been watching their siblings for the better part of an hour.

"You know what I don't get?" Theo says.

"Hm?" Stella hums in acknowledgement, though her eyes never leave Thea.

"Why would Stiles pretend to date her when he's gay?" Theo says, lowering his voice so only Stella can hear him.

Said woman stills and glances at him. "You know?"

Theo scoffs and then chuckles. "Yeah. It's kind of hard not to know that about him when we lived together for years. Not to mention the whole AB thing."

"AB? What's AB?"

"Oh," Theo says with a blush. "Accidental Boner."

Stella snorts and covers her mouth to stifle her giggles. "What? When? Oh my gosh you have to tell me this story."

Despite not being Stiles, Stella has the pleading eyes look down pat. Theo shrugs. "Why not? Okay so when we were sophomores at the university, we were both in the library studying. Stiles was doing literature and history assignments while I focused on my math and science. All of a sudden, I heard him squeak and then heard a thud as he dropped his book in his lap with a groan. I looked up confused and was about to ask if he was okay, but his face was bright red, and he was looking everywhere but at me."

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