
"Nothing just looking,"she says focusing her eyes back on the window still smiling cheekily. I'm barely inside the house when Riles comes running past her mom to me. "Aunt Amelia!!"she says tightening her hug each time. "Good to see you too kiddo. Did you grow an inch taller,"i ask playfully,hugging her back with just as much energy. "Where's your brother?" I ask as we walk inside. "He's with the babysitter, mom doesn't trust me to,"she says rolling her eyes at her mom and i can see why. She's a teenager now and a call from her friends to hang out she'd be out the door forgetting she has a brother to take care of. "You look lighter some how,"she says analysing me once I'm seated.

Ophelia disappeared somewhere and is now walking over to us with baby Jake in her arms. I feel the urge to hold him which is new because i usually avoid it because of how clumsy i am and would end up doing something wrong. When he comes over to me i can smell his baby scent which is nice and soothing that i just want to carry him and not let him go. "Can we have another sleepover? My friends think you're so cool especially now that you're Thee Fabiana's wife!"she squeels reminding me of my situation just like her mom. "Ofcourse we can, i just need time to prepare for it,"i say genuinely not sure Fabiana would be comfortable with her there especially with everything that's going on. When I'm ready to leave Ophelia insists on seeing me off despite the driver just been outside.

"Take care of yourself okay?"she says softly hugging me and I'm confused as to why like i don't see her when i get the chance. "umm i live  minutes away Ophelia,"i say. "I know i just needed to say that,"she says smiling and i just shrug it off with her being mysterious. Fabiana isn't home when i get there and Diana did make dinner but the smell of chicken just sickens me now for some reason. I end up assuring her that it's not her cooking it's me and she understands immediately, smiling contently. Did she know something i didn't? I decide to order something because it's still early and I'm hungry. Sometimes i can swear i feel like I'm eating for two. I'm about to head up to change when i hear the door bell.

"Hey is this Fabiana's house?" A blonde woman who looks her age asks. She's pretty with bobbed hair and an American accent that shouts she's not from here. "Uhhh it is, can i help you?" I ask in the politest way possible but it still comes out defensively.

"I'm her partner and she didn't show up today,"


"I'm Julie, her partner at group therapy? We've been spending time together for two weeks now? Wow,"she stops when she sees that it's not unlocking any memory. Why didn't Fabiana tell me about the hot group partner? "I'm sorry, she hasn't mentioned you before,"i say genuinely and she just presses her lips together in understanding. "Well we usually text places to meet but today she didn't show up and i got worried,"she says genuinely and i can tell Fabiana never mentioned the wife part to her, not that i was anyway. "I'll let her know you stopped by when she comes?" I ask feeling abit uncomfortable with her analysing me trying to figure out who or what i am to Fabiana.

She nods and walks away without saying anything else with one of the guards escorting her closely. I ring her phone once I'm changed into something comfortable and she immediately answers on the first ring. "Hey, Julie your group partner was here looking for you,"i say trying to sound unphased but i know i am. "I know, she just texted me,"she says rather bluntly confirming that they were partners indeed. "Is everything okay?you missed your session today,"i say still on the line but she says nothing instead,she hangs up and i don't know what to make of it. I go back to thinking about the attractive woman she was spending time with.

And how they had something that they could bond over if they ever decided to take things further. I get my food and decide to watch something so i don't end up having an excuse to not eat. I get a text from Ophelia to check up on me which confuses me because she's been doing that alot today. It's Abit late and Fabiana isn't back yet so i decide to go to bed knowing she'd call if anything and if she doesn't then she probably just wanted to be alone. I feel tired already by the time I'm falling face down on my bed to try and do that night time routine i do so i just take of my clothes leaving my oversized t-shirt on and close my eyes shut.

"Amelia?"i hear someone whisper yell in my ear making me jump. It's dark so i on the light on my nightstand to see Fabiana standing there. "Can I sleep here with you?"she asks knowing my answer already. "I just don't want to be in that room alone,"she says softly. Not trying to hide the fact that she's not okay. "Okay but just stay on your side,"i say strictly making her chuckle raising her hands in the air. "As you wish princess,"she says already stripping down to her boxers and sports bra Abit too excited. When she gets in the bed a whiff of alcohol hits me and i notice her eyes are droopy too.



"have you been drinking?"

"Maybe, let's just go to sleep before i decide to  practice my cuddling skills on you,"she says knowing how quickly that will shut me up. It's not that i don't like cuddling i do, i love being touched and felt up, but not with her. Not when she's unpredictable with her actions. "Actually can we?"i ask immediately slapping my hand over my mouth. What the fuck? That is not what i was thinking. What's gotten into me?i think to myself. She raises her head to look at me like the impossible was happening, i mean it was. "You sure i won't melt you?"she asks playfully making me roll my eyes.

"Forget it just sleep,"i say turning to face the other way. "Come here shortstuff,let me show you what you've been missing,"she says wrapping her hand over my torso pulling to her making my ass press on her member but she doesn't comment on it. "Turn and face daddy,"she says making chuckle because i know she's intoxicated while saying that but she's serious and i do letting her chin rest on my head because I'm smaller and fall asleep effortlessly from her warmth. I won't hear the end of this in the morning I'm sure.

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