3 - Plan AB

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" He didn't even acknowledge me he just shrugged and said thanks!" Hancock said pouting

" Maybe, he kind of catched on to what your doing." Perona replied

" Thank god." Robin and Nami said

" He deserves to perish just wait, ill have him in my palm by next week." Hancock said angrily

" Catching feelings? Haven't talked to any of your flings since Luffy pushed you." Perona laughed

" I don't care about my flings, they obsess over me and I'm a virgin anyways." Hancock scoffed

" Can tell." Perona, Robin and Nami laughed

" SHUT UP! Men are stupid anyways, why would I want any of them near my previous parts." Hancock said now pissed off

" Someone's mad..." Nami laughed

" Ugh, I'm leaving." Hancock said annoyed

As she was walking over to the main grounds for break she bumped into the same man who bumped into her.

" Hey, sorry." Luffy muttered " Wait aren't you the girl who gave me a drink?"

" Yes that was me." Hancock said putting on a loving façade

" Thanks, it was really good." Luffy said smiling

Immediately Hancocks façade dropped and she started smiling for real, his smile was so eye capturing that she couldn't help but admire it.

" Bye." Luffy smiled and left to go over to his friends

" Hey, what went on with Queen of the school?" Ussop asked

" Nothing, she's kind of annoying anyways I had to put up a fake smile." Luffy said feeling repulsed

" Don't you dare disrespect her like that!" Sanji said annoyed

" Shut up Perv." Zoro intervened

" Ok mosshead."

" Bitch Boy"

" Lost Lamb"

" Shit Cook"

" Shut up, this isn't SUPERR" Franky said

" Anyways someone save me next time I have to talk to her please?" Luffy sighed

Hancock was listening to the conversation and her heart sank, even though she wanted to make him suffer hearing him talk bad of her and having to put on a fake smile in which she adores broke her. Has she already caught feelings?

—— ⬇️ ——

" He hates me." Hancock sighed as her and her friends walked over to Maths

" I mean so do you?" Perona said

" I guess.." Hancock said in monotone voice

" It's your first time having someone not be head over heels for you, it probably just feels weird." Nami said

" That's a good point!" Robin replied

" Thanks girls but this doesn't change the fact that he hates me." Hancock sighed

" Here's his number, take it and text him later tonight." Nami said handing over a small slit of paper she just wrote

" Will do." Hancock said feeling pumped now

—— ⬇️ ——

Hancock finished her extracurricular activities and opened her car door to her desolate white McClaren, she started driving home and listened to calming music. Alone she could finally be herself and not some majestic, powerful player in which she always is.
Deep down she truly does hate men but it seems to her that Luffy is an exception..

She opened the door to her 2 story home she lived in with her mother who was rarely home cause of work. Hancock normally spent her days watching movies alone and cleaning up rooms that looked even a spec dirty.

She put on her red pajamas and lied down on the sofa putting on the latest movie on Netflix. As the movie went by Hancock went on her phone and decided to text Luffy..

BHancock: Hey

MDLuffy: Who tf are you

Hancock was clearly hurt at this reply but kept on going with a sad face on.

BHancock: Boa Hancock 😢

MDLuffy: Oh, the girl who offered me water?

BHancock: That's me...

The conversation kept on going back and forth until it finally came to a close when Hancocks mum walked in the door peering over at her daughters phone

" Oooh, who's MDLuffy?" Her mum said as she unpacked the shopping onto the kitchen counter

" No one, just some guy who honestly doesn't like me." Hancock scoffed knowing she'd officially fallen for him

" First guy who hasn't been mesmerised by your "hotness" !" Mum replied smiling

" Mum stop. And yes." Hancock said annoyed that her mother was right

" Is be cute?" Her mum asked

" Like the hottest guy in school but there's something about his smile that just...." Hancock sighed

" Then actually be yourself around him." Hancocks mum said happily

" Sure mum." Hancock said knowing that she can't be herself around anyone at school EVER " imma go finish my movie upstairs."

" Sure sweetie, just remember to get a good nights rest." Her mum said as she put the fish into the freezer

Hancock ran up the stairs and plopped herself up onto her bed silently thinking on her plan to seduce luffy... for real now.

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