I look into the tall trees and the sound ethos again.

I sigh to myself "get over yourself violet nothing is there" I say to myself.

once I sit up, I play my the song again through my earphones blasting through my brain.

then I start to draw .

my hand soon takes over as a picture of a pair of wolves with the moon in intrigue detail behind them and the woods standing at their feet.

"Jake I've always know what I am, I just don't what I could be"

I gasp "what was that" I say to myself "that wasn't one of my memories" shaking it off I go back to drawing when it happens again .

"why would she do that jake" I look into a science I wish I never saw blood every where and the words I'll kill anyone you care for painted on the wall in blood "why" .

I jump back this time grabbing my heart in a fit of fear ,not before another dream like event happens.

"Jake I love you, you know that right" the man I am looking at smiles "always, I love you too caity and our child too" he looks down at my large stomach.

wait I'm pregnant .

I flash in to another vision

"I want to name her violet please just name her that please" I beg to the man taking my child from me. . .

it's Christian.

"at 17 I will let her go, when she shifts then you can call her violet, that is the one thing I will do" he walks away.

was that kid me, what did he mean by "shift" with my heart racing I start to panic "did he kidnapp me" .

suddenly at the cue of my words as it started to hit dark.

I heard a snap of a bone when I look down I realise it's me that's breaking.

"arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" I scream out falling to the ground I hear another snap I try to drag my body into the woods to get away, it felt right.

crawling for what feels like five minutes I don't hear a snap so I get up and start to run deeper into the woods.

not soon after I got to the old oak tree I hear three snaps all at once knocking me to the ground hearing a deafening scream not realising it was my own painful cry.

another four snaps hit me like a sword cutting deep into my stomach.

I swear I was gonna die.

I start crying for anyone to end the pain "please" I sob as another two hits brake me pushing me into a different tree.

suddenly after I hear 10 clicks one after another each as painful as the other.

but it stops after that.

breathing in deeply trying to contain the pain which stoped I ran and ran until I reached a pond I looked into the reflection only to see a wolf.

you heard me a wolf.

I faint at the image.


I wake up to three grown men stare at me with hungry eyes.

I look at my body to see I'm naked quickly covering myself up I scream as one jumps onto me "get off me you perverse prick" I yell.

someone pulls him off me.

"I doubt the alpha will like this James you know how he feels about that, and you know this might be his daughter" the man who saves me looked to be about two or more years older than me.

as he met my eyes something in me melted and a tiny voice at the very back of my head screamed "mate" I only just heard it confused by my own thought I speak what I was thinking "mate" the words came out at a whisper but he heard it. saying the same thing "mate" more strongly.

he gives me his shirt an so change be hind a tree, he then lifts me up and runs in a different direction from where I came from.

soon we approach a small building in the middle of the field.

he takes me inside and says "just wait here " I sit down waiting for him.

he comes back but with two more people, one of whom looks a whole lot like that woman in those visions before I turned into the wolf.

I sigh to myself "violet" she croaks out "that's my name, are you caity, and are you jake" I pointing to the man who looked broken, she ran up to me and took me in a death hug "my baby, finally you are back in my arms" I feel tears fall down my face in a storm of water hugging her back "so it's true then isn't it, he did take me" I say the word "he" with such venom I'm sure a snake would be jealous "yes, yes he did" .

I smile and cry some more.

this means my whole life was a lie

"what am i" I ask.


okay guys please read the next book this is now completed okay guys thanks to all of you who stayed all the way though it I know I was hard to read at most of times.

even I knew how bad I sucked.


okay so see you soon.

word count - 1537

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